DuckDuckGo and Firefox as a replacement for Google and Chrome

2 min readOct 30, 2019


I’ve switched over from Google to DuckDuckGo and from Chrome to Firefox since five years ago, when privacy wasn’t as mainstream as it is today! And have I missed out on anything? No, nothing at all. The reason I had switched over from Google to DuckDuckGo was because I had read so many articles where Google would block complete access to all your accounts, E Mail, Drive, Photos etc. and wouldn’t revert back even after an appeal. In all those cases, the replies were sent by some Bot, and due to some error by the Bots, you lost your internet life. I definitely didn’t want to fall victim to that situation, so I thought of making my own destiny. It isn’t easy doing that and I started small by first changing my search engine and my browser. TBH I don’t hate Google, they are doing great things for the progress of tech, but some things are also not probably under their control, imagine getting billions of customer service requests, obviously they are not capable of handling those, hence Bots need to answer it. So it is the consumer who has to take the required precaution, by having everything backed up on another platform or service. Well that’s beside the point. Lets focus on the using DuckDuckGo part, my default browser on all my devices is Firefox, with DuckduckGo as default search and I have never had issues searching for webpages or getting top results. These are what I’ve observed -

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