Meet Cozmo, the tiny, smart, and adorable robot toy! This is the first robot acting like a real human with a unique personality.

Tech Chat
2 min readJul 1, 2016

Created by Anki, the goal of Cozmo is to be fun and actually connect with humans. For example, if it runs into something it will express a sad emotion using the many “facial expressions” it makes. It will engage you and announce it’s desire to play a game with you. It can even recognize you and understand your relationship, then act accordingly. When Cozmo is asleep (charging) it will periodically make a snoring noise haha.

As I could imagine, Cozmo has been years in the making and has been very difficult to create. It has to be able to constantly map its surroundings and navigate them, and then also be human-like with a personality. It has finally come to life thanks to a combination of computer-vision science, advanced robotics, deep character development, and a set of machine-learning algorithms.

Would you desire to have a robot friend???

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