What is Enum in C++

4 min readJul 26, 2023


What is Enum in C++

What is Enum in C++

Enums, or enumerations, are an essential concept in the C++ programming language that allows developers to define a set of named constants representing integral values. Enums provide an elegant and intuitive way to assign names to these values, making code more readable and maintainable.

Enum Basics

In C++, an enum is declared using the enum keyword, followed by the enumeration’s name and a list of its possible values enclosed in curly braces. Each value in the enum is automatically assigned an integral constant starting from 0 for the first value, 1 for the second, and so on, unless explicitly specified otherwise. What is Enum in C++.


enum Color {
RED, // 0
GREEN, // 1
BLUE // 2

Developers can also assign custom integral values to enum members. For example:


enum Weekdays {

Enum Operations

Enums in C++ support various operations. They can be compared using comparison operators, and it’s possible to increment and decrement their values. One common use of enums is in switch statements, where each enum member corresponds to a specific case. What is Enum in C++.

Enum Advantages

The use of enums in C++ offers several advantages. One of the main benefits is improved code readability, as the named constants provide meaningful context to the values used in the code. Enums also prevent accidental assignment of invalid values and provide a degree of type-safety, reducing bugs.

Using enums is often preferred over macro constants since they are scoped to the enum and avoid potential naming clashes. Enums are commonly used as function parameters and return values, enhancing the clarity of the code. What is Enum in C++.

Scoped Enums

C++11 introduced the concept of scoped enums, also known as enum classes. Scoped enums offer better isolation, and their members are not automatically converted to integers. This feature prevents unintended assignments and improves code robustness. What is Enum in C++


enum class Direction {

Enum Limitations

While enums are valuable in many situations, they do have some limitations. Enums are resolved at compile-time, meaning they lack the flexibility of runtime variable assignment. Additionally, enums may consume more memory than simple integral variables, particularly if they have a large number of members. What is Enum in C++.

Best Practices

When using enums, it’s essential to follow naming conventions to ensure clear and concise code. Combining enums with other C++ features, such as bitwise operations, can be powerful. Understanding when to use enums versus other options like constexpr variables or const variables is crucial.

Enums in Object-Oriented Programming

Enums play a vital role in object-oriented programming. They can be used as class members, providing a convenient way to represent state or specific options for objects. Enums can also be used in inheritance hierarchies, allowing child classes to have their enum constants.

Enum in C++11 and Beyond

C++11 brought some improvements to enums, including the introduction of strongly-typed enums. These enums ensure stronger type safety and avoid unintentional conversions between enum values and integers. Enum classes provide further enhancements, making enums safer and more efficient.

Common Mistakes with Enums

Developers sometimes misuse enums, using them for unrelated data or applying invalid operations. Enum code may also become convoluted over time, requiring refactoring for better readability and maintainability.

Use Cases of Enums

Enums are especially useful for handling finite sets of related values. They find applications in various domains, including game development, where they can represent states, directions, or character attributes. Enums are also valuable in managing configurations and settings. What is Enum in C++.

Enum Performance Considerations

While enums are generally efficient, developers should consider their impact on performance in certain scenarios. Enum usage in performance-critical sections of code should be carefully evaluated. Employing strategies for enum optimization, like using constexpr, can be beneficial. What is Enum in C++.


Enums are a fundamental feature of C++ that enhances code clarity and maintainability by providing a set of named constants. Properly used, enums streamline the development process and contribute to creating robust and readable code. What is Enum in C++ is clarified now.


Q: Can enum members have non-integer values in C++?

A: No, enum members are implicitly assigned integer values in C++.

Q: How can I check if an enum variable has a valid value?

A: It’s good practice to use switch statements or compare the enum variable against known valid values.

Q: Can I use enums as flags for bitwise operations?

A: Yes, enums can be used in conjunction with bitwise operators to represent combinations of flags.

Q: Are enums used in other programming languages besides C++?

A: Yes, enums are present in many programming languages, often under different names.

Q: Can I forward-declare an enum in C++?

A: No, forward declaration is not allowed for enums, as their size must be determined during declaration.


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