What is DevOps?
DevOps Model Defined
DevOps is a buzzword in the modern world. You can see it all around different tech companies, job postings, articles and LinkedIn. But what exactly is it? DevOps used to be a frame of mind/mentality/mantra. Now it’s a job title and an entire industry!
DevOps combines the world of 2 kind of professionals: the “DEV” side e.g software developrs and the “OPS” side operations, people who monitor the software and make sure everything runs smoothly. DevOps is a combination of software developers (dev) and operations (ops). It is defined as a software engineering methodology which aims to integrate the work of software development and software operations teams by facilitating a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility.
Back in the Days
The traditional model where the software developers (DEV) delivered something and threw it over the wall for operations people (OPS) to run and maintain led to bad products and low accountability on the part of the DEVs writing the product code. Companies adopt the DevOps model because they want people writing the code to also operate the service in…