Starting a new conversation on the values and principles that guide technology

4 min readJul 13, 2017

Introducing the first people and topics that shape the agenda of Techfestival 2017.

A few months ago we set out to describe and share a progressive, human-centered perspective on technology. To find the others — to give birth to a new narrative, one beyond Silicon Valley’s insatiable addiction to innovation and growth.

It is about time to remind ourselves of the noble idea of progress, to reflect, to critically reassess what we want technology to do, and what we want to do with technology. To sum it up, let’s move things in a direction that works for all of us.

Already, hundreds of co-creators joined forces to bring life to the inaugural Techfestival, September 5–10. Today, we’re sharing with you what they have in stock for you; and there’s much more to come. You can click your way through the entire program here.

Conversation Starters

Every night, on the main stage in Copenhagen’s iconic meatpacking district, Techfestival will highlight human-centered technology and ask the hard questions. We’re joined by progressive minds like


There are 20+ progressive one-day summits that you can contribute to, including

Installations & Experiences

Expect thought-provoking installations and tangible experiences like The Glass Room; an interactive exhibition where you can discover what data is collected on you and why.


We’re already at more than 60 confirmed meetups during Techfestival, each publicly dissecting important issues around technology in a playful and participatory way.

  • Inspire Diversity in Tech, bringing together 350+ people to set a progressive agenda on diversity in tech, hosted by Women in Tech
  • Ethical and Responsible IoT?, an intimate dialogue about the ethical issues of Internet of Things, hosted by ThingsCon
  • First Aid in Virtual Reality, first-aid workshop on saving the lives of children with virtual reality and real doctors, hosted by Børneliv
  • Digital citizenship and the future of democracy, workshop on the social implications of technology’s influence on democracy, hosted by Democracy and Citizenship in Digital Society
  • AI Meetup, gathering 350+ AI practitioners for a real talk on the state and vision for artificial intelligence, hosted by,, Botsupply & Corti Labs


Check out all the conferences taking place during Techfestival. No matter their size, each brings an important community into the dialogue about the relationship between humankind and technology.

Check out the program at, and get in touch if you’d like to host your own event and contribute.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get updates on the next program additions.

See you in Copenhagen!

Your Techfestival Team
PS: We’re looking for curious people to join our team.

