13 Programming Jokes and a Bonus Tip

4 min readJul 10, 2019


IT Services Company

Programming: If you’re not tired you’re not doing it right

How many cups of tea/coffee do you drink to kill tiredness?

It’s not a bug — it’s an undocumented feature.

This funny programming joke is about the time when a programmer doesn’t take BUGs serious. Big problems are poking him to check them out, but he doesn’t care until it’s too late.

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.

Most programmer’s code is made of code taken from GitHub and StackOverflow. When they compile it, something like this happens. Isn’t it?

First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.

Have you ever felt like this character in programming jokes?

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don’t.

This is one of the Programming Jokes that a Layman can also relate.

It isn’t easy being a programmer. They code all day, debug all night and go through thousands of code lines trying to fix a problem that you don’t know you have, in a way you don’t understand.

In Case of Fire

  • Git Commit
  • Git Push
  • Leave Building

Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer.

Every time I try to fix my old code.

Always code as if the guy who ends up reading your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

Programming Jokes on fixing someone else code.

What will you do in this situation?

The only calamity that can stop a programmer is when Google is down! What do you think about this Programming puns?

When someone says Programming is easy

What do you think is programming easy?

Not just Programming But,

Programmers life is not easy as well

Unix is user-friendly — It’s just very selective about who its friends are.

Sudo can get you anything

A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

When you write 500 lines of code and exit without saving it

Real programmers count from 0.

I know this programming joke is a savage

Some basic tips for JavaScript Beginners

1. Use === Instead of ==

JavaScript utilizes two different types of equality operators: === | !== and == | != . For best practice it is always good to use the former set when comparing.

If you compare two operands of the same type and value, then “===” produces true and “!==” produces false.

However, when working with “==” and “!=” it will just compare the values only and not the type and will run you into issues when working with different types.

2. Use [] Instead of New Array()

The same principle is applicable to creating a new array.

The code below is Okay
var a = new Array();
a[0] = “Red”;
b[1] = “Blue”;

But the Better Way is
var a = [‘Red’,”Blue”];

“A common error in JavaScript programs is to use an object when an array is required or an array when an object is required. The rule is simple: when the property names are small sequential integers, you should use an array. Otherwise, use an object.” — Douglas Crockford

3. “For in” Statements

When looping through items in an object, you might find that you’ll also retrieve method functions as well. In order to work around this, always wrap your code in an if statement which filters the information.

for(key in object)
…then do something…

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