Goat and Sheep Business Plan for Jamaica by Trevor Bernard

4 min readJun 10, 2024



The agriculture sector in Jamaica is ripe with opportunities, and one of the most promising ventures is the goat and sheep farming business. This plan, developed by Trevor Bernard, aims to outline the strategic steps required to establish a successful goat and sheep farming operation in Jamaica. With the increasing demand for goat and sheep products, both locally and internationally, this business promises substantial returns on investment.

Market Analysis

Demand and Supply

The demand for goat and sheep meat, milk, and by-products has been steadily rising in Jamaica. This is driven by a growing population, increased health consciousness, and a preference for organic and locally-sourced products. Despite this demand, local supply has been inconsistent, presenting a significant opportunity for new entrants to the market.

Target Market

Our target market includes local consumers, restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets. Additionally, we will explore export opportunities to Caribbean neighbors and other international markets where Jamaican products are highly valued.

Business Objectives

  1. Establish a sustainable and profitable goat and sheep farming business.
  2. Produce high-quality meat, milk, and by-products to meet local and international demand.
  3. Implement best practices in animal husbandry to ensure the welfare of the livestock.
  4. Contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and supporting community development.

Farm Setup


The farm will be located in a rural area with ample grazing land, access to water, and favorable climatic conditions for goat and sheep farming. The chosen location will also consider proximity to markets and transportation networks.


  1. Shelter: Construct durable and comfortable shelters for the goats and sheep to protect them from harsh weather conditions.
  2. Fencing: Install secure fencing to prevent livestock from straying and to protect them from predators.
  3. Water Supply: Ensure a reliable water supply system, including troughs and reservoirs.
  4. Feed Storage: Build storage facilities for hay, silage, and other feed to maintain a consistent supply throughout the year.
  5. Veterinary Facilities: Set up a small clinic for routine health checks and emergency treatments.

Livestock Management


We will select high-quality breeds known for their meat and milk production. A structured breeding program will be implemented to improve herd quality over time. This will involve:

  1. Selecting Breeds: Focus on breeds like Boer goats and Dorper sheep, which are well-suited to Jamaica’s climate and have excellent production traits.
  2. Breeding Practices: Use both natural mating and artificial insemination to enhance genetic diversity and improve stock quality.
  3. Health Monitoring: Regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations to maintain herd health and prevent disease outbreaks.


Proper nutrition is critical for the health and productivity of the livestock. Our feeding program will include:

  1. Grazing: Utilize rotational grazing systems to ensure pastures are not overgrazed and to promote healthy forage growth.
  2. Supplementary Feeding: Provide additional feed such as hay, silage, grains, and mineral supplements to meet the nutritional needs of the goats and sheep.
  3. Water: Ensure constant access to clean and fresh water.

Health Care

Maintaining the health of the herd is paramount. Our health care plan includes:

  1. Regular Check-ups: Conduct regular health inspections and maintain detailed health records for each animal.
  2. Vaccinations: Adhere to a strict vaccination schedule to prevent common diseases.
  3. Parasite Control: Implement measures to control internal and external parasites.
  4. Emergency Care: Have a veterinarian on call for emergencies and establish protocols for quick response to health issues.

Marketing Strategy


Develop a strong brand identity that emphasizes quality, sustainability, and local production. This will include creating a logo, packaging, and promotional materials that resonate with our target audience.

Distribution Channels

  1. Local Markets: Supply meat, milk, and by-products to local supermarkets, restaurants, and hotels.
  2. Direct Sales: Establish a farm shop for direct sales to consumers, offering fresh and organic products.
  3. Export Markets: Explore export opportunities to neighboring Caribbean countries and beyond.


  1. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to engage with potential customers, share farm updates, and promote products.
  2. Local Advertising: Advertise in local newspapers, radio, and community events to raise awareness.
  3. Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses, restaurants, and hotels to promote our products.

Financial Plan

Initial Investment

The initial investment will cover land acquisition, infrastructure development, purchase of livestock, feed, and veterinary supplies. We will seek funding through a combination of personal savings, loans, and grants.

Revenue Projections

Based on market analysis and production capacity, we project steady revenue growth within the first three years. Diversifying our product range (meat, milk, and by-products) will help stabilize income and mitigate risks.

Cost Management

Efficient cost management practices will be implemented to ensure profitability. This includes bulk purchasing of feed, regular financial audits, and optimizing farm operations.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility

We are committed to sustainable farming practices and social responsibility. This includes:

  1. Environmental Stewardship: Implementing eco-friendly practices such as waste management, water conservation, and sustainable grazing.
  2. Community Engagement: Supporting local communities through job creation, training programs, and community development projects.


The goat and sheep farming business presents a lucrative opportunity in Jamaica’s agricultural sector. With a well-structured plan, commitment to quality, and sustainable practices, we aim to establish a successful and profitable venture that benefits both our business and the wider community. Trevor Bernard’s vision is to create a model farm that sets the standard for excellence in livestock farming in Jamaica.

