Which planets indicate wealth?

Shashi Prakash Agarwal
6 min readApr 19, 2023


Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a traditional Indian system of astrology that has been practiced for thousands of years. In Vedic astrology, the placement of planets in a person’s birth chart is believed to influence their personality, behavior, and life events, including their financial prosperity. In this article, we will explore which planets are considered to indicate wealth in Vedic astrology and how they can be used to understand a person’s financial potential.

Introduction to Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology is based on the concept of karma, which holds that a person’s current life is influenced by their past actions. The birth chart, also known as the horoscope, is a map of the positions of the planets at the time of a person’s birth. It is believed that the positions of the planets at the time of a person’s birth can provide insight into their personality, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, and life events.

The birth chart is divided into 12 houses, each of which represents different areas of a person’s life. For example, the first house represents the self, the second house represents wealth and possessions, the fourth house represents home and family, and so on. The placement of planets in each house can provide additional information about a person’s life experiences.

Planets that Indicate Wealth in Vedic Astrology

According to Vedic astrology, there are several planets that are considered to indicate wealth and financial prosperity. These planets are Rahu, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon.


In Vedic astrology, Rahu is considered to be one of the shadow planets and is associated with materialistic desires and worldly success. While Rahu is not generally considered to be a planet that directly indicates wealth, its placement and influence in a person’s birth chart can have an impact on their financial potential.

Rahu is associated with ambition, innovation, and taking risks, which can be beneficial in the pursuit of financial success. However, Rahu can also indicate a tendency towards materialism, greed, and impulsive decision-making, which can be detrimental to financial success.

The placement of Rahu in a person’s birth chart can indicate areas of focus or opportunity for financial success. For example, if Rahu is placed in the 2nd house, which is associated with wealth and possessions, it can indicate a person’s strong desire for financial success and the potential for them to accumulate wealth through unconventional means or risky investments.

Similarly, if Rahu is placed in the 11th house, which is associated with gains and income, it can indicate a person’s ability to earn money through unconventional means, such as technology or entrepreneurship.


Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and luxury, and is also considered to be a planet of wealth and material possessions. Its placement in the birth chart can provide insight into a person’s financial potential and their ability to enjoy the luxuries of life.

When Venus is in a favorable position in the birth chart, it can indicate financial success, material prosperity, and the ability to enjoy the finer things in life. Venus is associated with pleasure, beauty, and luxury, and its influence can help to attract opportunities for financial growth and success.


Mercury is the planet of communication, intelligence, and commerce, and is also considered to be a planet of wealth and financial success. Its placement in the birth chart can provide insight into a person’s financial potential and their ability to make wise financial decisions.

When Mercury is in a favorable position in the birth chart, it can indicate financial success, financial intelligence, and the ability to make wise financial decisions. Mercury is associated with communication, intelligence, and commerce, and its influence can help to attract opportunities for financial growth and success.


The Moon is the planet of emotions, intuition, and nurturing, and is also considered to be a planet of wealth and financial success. Its placement in the birth chart can provide insight into a person’s financial potential and their ability to attract financial abundance.

When the Moon is in a favorable position in the birth chart, it can indicate financial success, financial stability, and the ability to attract financial abundance. The Moon is associated with emotions, intuition, and nurturing, and its influence can help to attract opportunities for financial growth and success.

Astrology is all about time.

Combination of Planets for Wealth

While each of these planets individually can indicate wealth and financial success, the combination of these planets can provide even greater insight into a person’s financial potential. For example, if Jupiter and Venus are both in favorable positions in the birth chart, it can indicate a person’s ability to accumulate wealth through business ventures, investments, or creative pursuits. Similarly, if Mercury and the Moon are both in favorable positions, it can indicate a person’s ability to make wise financial decisions based on intuition and communication skills.

However, it is important to note that the placement of planets in the birth chart is just one factor in a person’s financial success. Other factors such as hard work, determination, and financial planning also play a significant role.

Using Vedic Astrology for Financial Success

While Vedic astrology can provide insight into a person’s financial potential, it is important to use this information as a tool for personal growth and development. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses indicated in the birth chart, a person can work towards developing their financial potential and creating a successful financial future.

One way to use Vedic astrology for financial success is to seek guidance from an experienced astrologer. An astrologer can analyze a person’s birth chart and provide insight into their financial potential, as well as offer advice on how to maximize their financial success. They can also provide guidance on favorable times for making financial decisions and investments based on planetary transits.

Another way to use Vedic astrology for financial success is to practice self-reflection and self-awareness. By understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses indicated in the birth chart, a person can work towards developing their financial potential and creating a successful financial future. For example, if a person has a strong Jupiter placement in their birth chart, they may benefit from pursuing business ventures or investments that align with their personal values and beliefs.


In conclusion, Vedic astrology offers insights into a person’s financial potential based on the placement of planets in their birth chart. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon are considered to be the planets that indicate wealth in Vedic astrology. However, it is important to note that the placement of planets in the birth chart is just one factor in a person’s financial success, and other factors such as hard work, determination, and financial planning also play a significant role.

To use Vedic astrology for financial success, it is important to seek guidance from an experienced astrologer and practice self-reflection and self-awareness. By understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses indicated in the birth chart, a person can work towards developing their financial potential and creating a successful financial future.

Vedic astrology can be a valuable tool for gaining insight into one’s financial potential, but it is important to use this information in conjunction with other factors and to approach it with a balanced and practical perspective. With a combination of Vedic astrology, hard work, determination, and financial planning, anyone can create a successful financial future.

One website that provides Vedic astrology services is RajeevPrakash.com. The website offers personalized astrology reports and consultations, as well as information on planetary transits and their effects on financial success. By utilizing the services offered by RajeevPrakash.com, individuals can gain greater insight into their financial potential and work towards creating a successful financial future.



Shashi Prakash Agarwal

Shashi Agarwal, 12yr exp in market timing, MBA in Fin & Comp Sci. Skilled in data analysis, team-oriented, good at predicting markets w/adv computational tools.