Difference between Run and Debug

TechLearn India
3 min readApr 14, 2023

The difference between "run" and "debugging" in the context of software development can be described as follows:

What is Run ?

The "run" process involves compiling or interpreting the source code into machine code, which is then executed by the computer or target platform.
Running code allows developers to observe how their code behaves in real-time and check if it produces the expected output or performs the desired actions.
Running code is typically done during the development process to quickly test and iterate on the functionality of a program or application.
Running code may involve providing input data to the program and observing the output or the program’s behavior during its execution.

What is Debugging ?

Debugging is the process of identifying and resolving issues or errors in the code that may cause unexpected behavior or incorrect results during runtime.
Debugging is typically done when issues are encountered during the "run" process, and the code does not behave as expected.
Debugging requires analyzing the code to identify the root cause of the issue, which may involve examining variables, data structures, and program flow to understand the problem’s source.
Debugging involves using debugging tools or techniques, such as setting breakpoints, stepping through the code, or using logging and tracing, to diagnose and fix the issue.
Debugging may also involve modifying the code to correct the error, recompiling or interpreting the code, and then running it again to verify if the issue has been resolved.

Importance of "Run" and "Debugging":

Both "run" and "debugging" are crucial in the software development process, as they ensure the correctness, functionality, and reliability of the code.
The "run" process allows developers to quickly test and iterate on their code to verify its behavior and output, and catch any potential issues early in the development cycle.
Debugging, on the other hand, helps identify and fix issues that may arise during runtime, allowing developers to resolve problems and ensure the code operates as expected in different scenarios and conditions.
Properly executed "run" and "debugging" processes can help in producing high-quality software that meets the desired requirements, performs reliably, and minimizes the occurrence of bugs or issues in production.

Key differences:

The "run" process focuses on executing code to observe its behavior and output, while "debugging" is a specialized process to identify and fix issues that may arise during runtime.
"Run" is used to validate the normal behavior of the software, while "debugging" is used to identify and fix abnormal behavior or errors.
"Run" is typically used during development for functional testing, while "debugging" is used to diagnose and fix issues that occur during the "run" process.
"Run" is generally used to test the overall functionality of the software, while "debugging" is used to investigate and fix specific issues or bugs.
"Run" is an essential part of the software development process to verify the code’s behavior, while "debugging" is a crucial step in resolving issues and ensuring the code’s correctness and reliability.


In summary, "run" and "debugging" are distinct but complementary processes in software development. The "run" process is used to execute and observe the normal behavior of the software, while "debugging" is a specialized process to identify and fix issues that may arise during runtime. Both "run" and "debugging" are important steps to ensure the quality and reliability of software applications.



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