2 min readJan 21, 2022



Iron is stronger than all metals. He can break all metals. But Kalinki destroys him very easily. Which is caused by liquid water. Similarly a strong man can defeat everyone. Can kill and scare everyone. But his actions make his life miserable. Due to which his life becomes full of difficulties. If you have a lot of power, use it for good and not bad. If you are harassing people by using force, causing them pain, then be ready to face the consequences. Because the one who commits a mistake must be punished. God punishes those who do evil. Because of which they can improve. Similarly, if you have a lot of money, wealth, property, put it in good work instead of bad work. Otherwise, be prepared to lose all money and property. God has given us money so that we can be happy and at the same time can make others happy by removing their sorrows. But he has not given us money to harm others. How stupid are people? They think that it is very difficult to attain virtue. But this is a misconception. People have so much money. He saved them. But what is the use of saving money? If you donate that money to some poor person then you will benefit a lot. This will help in alleviating the poverty of the poor. You are wasting your money for no reason. If you give that money to a poor student to study, he will one day study well and earn his name in the country. You will have a name too. Because you gave him money for studies. Help people as much as you can. Donate to those who need money and solve their problems. You will get many virtues from this.





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