Complete Guide to Metasploit: From Installation to Exploit Development

Mastering the Art of Cybersecurity Testing and Vulnerability Assessment with Metasploit

14 min readMay 5, 2023

Metasploit is a popular open-source framework used by security professionals for developing, testing, and executing exploits against target systems. First created in 2003 by H.D. Moore, but in 2009 it was acquired by Rapid7, a cybersecurity company based in Boston, Massachusetts. Since the acquisition, Rapid7 has continued to develop and maintain Metasploit as an open-source framework for cybersecurity testing and vulnerability assessment.

The framework allows users to launch exploits and #payloads against target systems, with the ultimate goal of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in those systems. With #Metasploit, security professionals can automate and simplify the process of testing and identifying security weaknesses, making it an essential tool in the modern cybersecurity landscape.

Metasploit is available in both a free and a commercial version, with the latter offering additional features and support. The free version, however, is still widely used and provides a robust set of tools for users looking to perform basic penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.

One of the key features of Metasploit is its modular architecture. The framework consists of a series of modules that can be used to build customized exploits and payloads for specific target systems. These modules can be combined and configured to suit the needs of the user, allowing for greater flexibility and control over the testing process.

In addition to its modular architecture, Metasploit also boasts a comprehensive database of exploits and vulnerabilities. This database, which is updated regularly by the Metasploit team and the broader cybersecurity community, provides users with a wealth of information and tools for testing and assessing the security of various systems and applications.

Overall, Metasploit is an essential tool for any security professional looking to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, the framework provides a wide range of features and tools to help you test, identify, and mitigate vulnerabilities in target systems.

If you are a Kali Linux user, you don’t need to worry about installing Metasploit as it comes pre-installed with Kali Linux. All you need to do is open your terminal and type “msfconsole” to start using Metasploit. However, before using Metasploit, you need to start the PostgreSQL service by typing “service postgresql start” in your terminal. Once you have started the PostgreSQL service, you can start using Metasploit to scan for vulnerabilities, launch exploits, and perform other security-related tasks.

There are some modules in metasploit that you gonna use

  • Exploits
  • Auxiliary
  • payloads
  • encoders
  • nops
  • evasion

Exploit: An Exploit Module is a piece of code that takes advantage of a specific vulnerability in a system, application, or network. Exploit modules are the building blocks of Metasploit, enabling users to execute targeted attacks on vulnerable systems. They are designed to provide a seamless and efficient way for ethical hackers to test the security of various platforms and devices.

Metasploit boasts an extensive library of exploit modules, with over 2294 modules and counting. These modules target a wide range of operating systems, applications, and network protocols, making it an invaluable tool for cybersecurity professionals.

Why Use Exploit Modules in Metasploit?

  1. Streamlined Vulnerability Testing: Metasploit’s exploit modules enable users to quickly and efficiently test the security of various systems, making vulnerability assessment more manageable.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: With a vast library of exploit modules, Metasploit ensures that you can find a module that targets the specific vulnerability you’re testing.
  3. Customization: Metasploit allows you to modify and create your own exploit modules, granting you the flexibility to tailor your testing to your unique needs.
  4. Knowledge Sharing: As an open-source platform, Metasploit encourages users to contribute their own exploit modules, fostering a collaborative environment and constantly expanding its capabilities.
  5. Simplified Reporting: Metasploit’s built-in reporting features make it easy to document and present your findings to stakeholders, showcasing the importance of your work.

Auxiliary: While exploit modules are the cornerstone of the Metasploit Framework, auxiliary modules play a critical role in enhancing its capabilities. These modules offer additional functionalities that go beyond exploiting vulnerabilities, making them an essential component of any ethical hacker’s toolkit. In this section, we’ll explore auxiliary modules, their benefits, and how to use them effectively in your cybersecurity assessments.

What are Auxiliary Modules?

Auxiliary modules are versatile, non-exploitative tools designed to complement exploit modules within the Metasploit Framework. They assist in various aspects of ethical hacking, such as reconnaissance, scanning, fuzzing, and denial of service (DoS) attacks. These modules enable users to gather valuable information about target systems, identify potential vulnerabilities, and even verify the effectiveness of security measures.

Why Use Auxiliary Modules in Metasploit?

Auxiliary modules offer numerous advantages to ethical hackers, including:

1. Enhanced Reconnaissance: Auxiliary modules help gather crucial information about target systems, such as open ports, running services, and version information, enabling users to make informed decisions about potential attack vectors.

2. Improved Vulnerability Detection: With the help of auxiliary modules, ethical hackers can identify and verify vulnerabilities in target systems more effectively.

3. Increased Efficiency: Auxiliary modules streamline various tasks in the ethical hacking process, saving time and resources.

4. Customization: Metasploit allows users to create their own auxiliary modules, providing flexibility and adaptability to unique testing requirements.

5. Complementary Support: Auxiliary modules support exploit modules, enhancing the overall effectiveness and comprehensiveness of Metasploit.

How to Use Auxiliary Modules in Metasploit

To use auxiliary modules in Metasploit, follow these steps:

1. Search for Auxiliary Modules: Use the “search” command to find the desired auxiliary module, e.g., “search type:auxiliary platform:windows”.

2. Select and Load the Auxiliary Module: Use the “use” command followed by the auxiliary module’s path, e.g., “use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version”.

3. Configure the Module: Set the target IP address range and any other required options using the “set” command, e.g., “set RHOSTS”.

4. Launch the Auxiliary Module: Execute the “run” command to initiate the module.

5. Analyze Results: Assess the results of the auxiliary module, extracting valuable information about the target system and using it to inform your subsequent exploit module usage.

Auxiliary modules in Metasploit provide critical support and valuable insights that complement the capabilities of exploit modules. By understanding and utilizing auxiliary modules, you can enhance your ethical hacking skills and contribute to a more robust cybersecurity posture.

Post-Exploitation modules: After successfully compromising a target system with an exploit module, the next step in the ethical hacking process is often to gather valuable information or maintain control of the system. This is where post-exploitation modules in Metasploit come into play. These powerful tools enable users to perform a variety of tasks on compromised systems, further enhancing the capabilities of the Metasploit Framework. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of post-exploitation modules

Post-exploitation modules are designed to be used after a target system has been successfully compromised by an exploit module. They enable users to perform various actions on the compromised system, such as privilege escalation, data extraction, persistence, pivoting, and more. These modules help ethical hackers gain deeper insights into target systems, maintain control over them, and even use them to further penetrate other systems within the network.

Post-exploitation modules offer several advantages for ethical hackers.

  1. Enhanced Control: Post-exploitation modules allow users to maintain control over compromised systems, enabling them to execute further attacks or perform additional tasks as needed.
  2. In-Depth Analysis: By using post-exploitation modules, ethical hackers can gain valuable insights into the inner workings of target systems, helping to identify security weaknesses and potential improvements.
  3. Expanded Attack Surface: Post-exploitation modules can be used to pivot within a network, potentially compromising additional systems and expanding the scope of the assessment.
  4. Customization: As with exploit and auxiliary modules, Metasploit allows users to create their own post-exploitation modules, ensuring adaptability to unique testing requirements.
  5. Comprehensive Assessments: Post-exploitation modules complete the Metasploit arsenal, allowing for a more thorough and effective cybersecurity assessment.

To use post-exploitation modules in Metasploit, follow these steps:

  1. Successfully Exploit a Target: Ensure that you have successfully compromised a target system using an exploit module.
  2. Search for Post-Exploitation Modules: Use the “search” command to find the desired post-exploitation module, e.g., “search type:post platform:windows”.
  3. Select and Load the Post-Exploitation Module: Use the “use” command followed by the post-exploitation module’s path, e.g., “use post/windows/gather/enum_users”.
  4. Configure the Module: Set any required options using the “set” command, e.g., “set SESSION 1” to specify the session from a previously compromised system.
  5. Launch the Post-Exploitation Module: Execute the “run” command to initiate the module.
  6. Analyze Results: Assess the results of the post-exploitation module, extracting valuable information or maintaining control over the target system as needed.

Post-exploitation modules in Metasploit are crucial for maximizing the impact of your cybersecurity assessments. By understanding and utilizing these tools, you can gain deeper insights into target systems, maintain control over them, and even expand the scope of your assessment.

Payloads: In the world of ethical hacking, payloads are an essential component of a successful exploit. They define the actions taken on a target system after it has been compromised by an exploit module. Payloads can be used for a variety of purposes, from gathering information to executing arbitrary commands. In this section, we’ll explore payloads in Metasploit, their importance, and how to use them effectively in your cybersecurity assessments.

What are Payloads?

A payload is a piece of code or a set of instructions executed on a target system after it has been successfully exploited. Payloads determine the specific actions taken on a compromised system and are often used to establish a connection between the attacker’s machine and the target system, allowing for further control and manipulation.

In Metasploit, payloads are divided into three main types:

  1. Singles: These are standalone payloads designed for specific tasks, such as executing a single command or opening a network connection.
  2. Stagers: Stager payloads establish a connection between the attacker’s machine and the target system, enabling the delivery of larger, more complex payloads known as stages.
  3. Stages: Stage payloads are delivered by stagers and provide advanced functionality, such as opening a command shell, establishing a Meterpreter session, or creating a reverse TCP connection.

Payloads in Metasploit offer several advantages for ethical hackers, including:

  1. Customization: Metasploit’s vast library of payloads allows users to choose the most suitable payload for a specific exploit, ensuring maximum impact and effectiveness.
  2. Flexibility: Payloads can be modified or combined to create new payloads tailored to unique testing requirements.
  3. Efficiency: Payloads streamline the ethical hacking process by automating specific tasks and enabling remote control over compromised systems.
  4. Comprehensive Assessments: Payloads play a critical role in the overall effectiveness of Metasploit, allowing for more thorough and successful cybersecurity assessments.

To use payloads in Metasploit, follow these steps:

  1. Choose an Exploit Module: Identify the exploit module you wish to use against your target system.
  2. Select a Compatible Payload: Use the “show payloads” command after loading the exploit module to view the list of compatible payloads for the chosen exploit.
  3. Configure the Payload: Set the desired payload using the “set” command, e.g., “set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp”.
  4. Set Payload Options: Configure any required payload options, such as the local IP address (LHOST) and local port (LPORT), using the “set” command, e.g., “set LHOST” and “set LPORT 4444”.
  5. Launch the Exploit with the Payload: Execute the “exploit” or “run” command to initiate the attack with the configured payload.
  6. Analyze Results: Assess the results of the exploit and payload, determining whether the target system was successfully compromised and the payload executed as intended.

Payloads in Metasploit are crucial for defining the actions taken on a compromised system, enabling ethical hackers to gather valuable information, maintain control, and execute specific tasks. By understanding and utilizing payloads effectively, you can enhance your cybersecurity skills and contribute to more robust and successful assessments.

encoders: As cybersecurity measures continue to advance, ethical hackers must adapt and find ways to bypass these protections. One such technique is the use of encoders in the Metasploit Framework. Encoders play a crucial role in increasing the success rate of exploits by obfuscating payloads and evading security mechanisms such as antivirus software and intrusion detection systems. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of encoders, their benefits, and how to use them effectively in your cybersecurity assessments.

Encoders are tools within the Metasploit Framework that modify and obfuscate payloads to help bypass security measures on target systems. They achieve this by transforming the payload into a different format, altering its signature, or employing various evasion techniques. Encoders help ensure that the payload is delivered and executed successfully without being detected or blocked by security mechanisms.

Encoders offer several advantages for ethical hackers, including:

  1. Enhanced Evasion: Encoders help bypass security measures such as antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and firewalls, increasing the likelihood of a successful exploit.
  2. Obfuscation: Encoders can mask the true nature of a payload, making it more difficult for security analysts to identify and reverse-engineer the exploit.
  3. Improved Success Rate: By evading security measures, encoders increase the chances of successfully compromising a target system.
  4. Customization: Encoders can be tailored to specific target environments or security systems, allowing for a more focused and effective attack.

To use encoders in Metasploit, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Compatible Encoder: After selecting an exploit module and payload, use the “show encoders” command to display a list of available encoders compatible with your payload.
  2. Configure the Encoder: Use the “set” command to specify the desired encoder, e.g., “set ENCODER x86/shikata_ga_nai”.
  3. Set Encoder Options (Optional): Configure any required encoder options using the “set” command, e.g., “set EncoderIterations 5” to specify the number of encoding iterations.
  4. Generate the Encoded Payload: Use the “generate” command to create the encoded payload, e.g., “generate -t exe -f output.exe” to generate an encoded Windows executable file.
  5. Launch the Exploit with the Encoded Payload: Execute the “exploit” or “run” command to initiate the attack with the configured payload and encoder.
  6. Analyze Results: Assess the results of the exploit and encoded payload, determining whether the target system was successfully compromised and the payload executed as intended.

Encoders in Metasploit play a vital role in increasing the success rate of exploits by evading security measures and obfuscating payloads.

Nops: In the context of ethical hacking and the Metasploit Framework, Nops (short for No Operations) play a crucial role in increasing the reliability and success rate of exploits. Nops are essentially instructions that do not perform any operation on the target system but are used to pad or align code in memory. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of Nops, their benefits, and how to use them effectively in your cybersecurity assessments.

Nops are instructions within a payload that do not perform any operation, effectively acting as placeholders. In the Metasploit Framework, Nops are used to create a buffer, or “Nop sled,” which helps ensure that an exploit’s shellcode is executed correctly, even if the exact memory address is not known. By sliding down the Nop sled, the processor eventually reaches and executes the intended shellcode, thus increasing the likelihood of a successful exploit.

Nops offer several advantages for ethical hackers, including:

  1. Improved Exploit Reliability: Nops can increase the success rate of exploits by ensuring that the shellcode is executed correctly, even in cases where the exact memory address is not known.
  2. Buffer Space: Nops provide buffer space for payloads, allowing ethical hackers to create more flexible and adaptable exploits.
  3. Evasion: Nops can be used to create varying patterns in payloads, making them harder to detect by security mechanisms like antivirus software and intrusion detection systems.

To use Nops in Metasploit, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Compatible Nop Module: After selecting an exploit module and payload, use the “show nops” command to display a list of available Nop modules compatible with your payload.
  2. Configure the Nop Module: Use the “set” command to specify the desired Nop module, e.g., “set NOP x86/single_byte”.
  3. Set Nop Options (Optional): Configure any required Nop options using the “set” command, e.g., “set NopSledSize 100” to specify the size of the Nop sled.
  4. Launch the Exploit with the Nop Module: Execute the “exploit” or “run” command to initiate the attack with the configured payload and Nop module.
  5. Analyze Results: Assess the results of the exploit and Nop module, determining whether the target system was successfully compromised and the payload executed as intended.

Nops in Metasploit play an essential role in enhancing the reliability and success rate of exploits by providing buffer space and ensuring correct shellcode execution.

While Metasploit is an invaluable tool for many cybersecurity professionals, there are alternatives available that can also be used for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment:

  1. Cobalt Strike: A commercial product that focuses on advanced threat emulation and red team operations. It provides a powerful platform for conducting targeted attacks, with features like payload generation, command and control communication, and advanced post-exploitation capabilities.
  2. Armitage: A graphical user interface (GUI) for Metasploit, designed to simplify the process of performing penetration tests. Armitage offers a more user-friendly approach to Metasploit, providing visualization and collaboration features for teams.
  3. Core Impact: A commercial penetration testing tool that offers a comprehensive set of features, including vulnerability scanning, exploit generation, and post-exploitation activities. Core Impact is known for its user-friendly interface and extensive library of exploits and modules.
  4. Immunity Canvas: Another commercial penetration testing tool that provides a wide range of exploits and post-exploitation modules. Immunity Canvas is known for its focus on exploitation techniques and its integration with the Python programming language, enabling users to create custom exploits with ease.

Integration with Other Cybersecurity Tools

One of the key strengths of Metasploit lies in its ability to integrate with other popular cybersecurity tools, further enhancing its penetration testing capabilities and enabling a more efficient and streamlined workflow. By leveraging the complementary features of different tools, security professionals can conduct more comprehensive and effective security assessments.

Some notable integrations with Metasploit include:

  1. Nmap: As a widely-used network scanning tool, Nmap helps identify open ports, running services, and potential vulnerabilities within a target network. By integrating Nmap with Metasploit, users can directly import Nmap scan results into the Metasploit Framework, automating the process of identifying potential targets for exploitation and saving valuable time.
  2. Nessus: Nessus is a powerful vulnerability scanner that can detect and analyze a wide range of security issues. When integrated with Metasploit, users can import Nessus scan results to identify vulnerable targets and leverage Metasploit’s exploit modules to validate and demonstrate the impact of these vulnerabilities.
  3. Burp Suite: As a web application security testing tool, Burp Suite can be used to discover vulnerabilities in web applications. By integrating Burp Suite with Metasploit, security professionals can take advantage of Metasploit’s exploit modules tailored for web applications, allowing them to effectively validate and exploit identified vulnerabilities.
  4. Snort: Snort is an open-source intrusion detection system that monitors network traffic for suspicious activities. When integrated with Metasploit, users can test the effectiveness of their Snort rules by simulating real-world attacks and observing how Snort responds, helping to fine-tune detection capabilities and improve overall network security.

By integrating Metasploit with other cybersecurity tools, security professionals can maximize their efficiency and effectiveness during penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. This combination of tools provides a more robust and comprehensive approach to identifying, validating, and exploiting vulnerabilities, ultimately leading to a stronger security posture for organizations.

Metasploit is a powerful and versatile tool for cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers, offering a wide range of capabilities for real-world penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. Its ability to integrate with other popular cybersecurity tools further enhances its effectiveness, providing users with a comprehensive and efficient approach to securing their networks and systems. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest tools, techniques, and best practices is crucial. Be sure to follow me for more insightful content related to cybersecurity, and together we can work towards creating a more secure digital world.


