Facebook Extends Rights Manager Support On Instagram To Protect Your Videos

Technical Support
3 min readFeb 17, 2018


With ever-rising popularity of video content on social media networks, cases of copyright infringement and abuse of content are not rare by any standards. There has been felt an urgent need to monitor and address this issue of late, and this is why, with a view to protect users against any potential copyright infringements or abuse of video content on Instagram, access to Rights Manager support has been extended by Facebook. Originally, the Right Manager tool was launched by Facebook in 2016, to let video owners choose the right kind of action for any possible violations of their intellectual property rights.

Here are some of the ways in which Rights Manager Tool would help Instagram users fight against potential IP violations.

Ability to Block or Monitor Potential Copyright Violations: Users would be able to choose from some of the actions to take when some content with possible violations has been spotted. One can ‘Block’ the content altogether, or ‘Monitor’ to form a better opinion on the same. Alternatively, one might also choose to ‘Manually Review’ the content and then decide further course of action.

  • Monitor: It would allow for any content identified as a match to stay published and would only monitor its activity, including any updates or views.
  • Block: This option would totally block the content so that no one would be able to watch it except the person who uploaded I or any admins or editors for the page. This would help prevent any matching videos from being viewed and defeat the very purpose of uploading any content in violation.
  • Manually Review: This option would help flag segments which might match the original video and let page admins or editors manually review the content after a period of 30 days.

Maintain Reference Libraries to Monitor and Protect: Publishers are enabled to upload entire video content libraries and allow Rights Manager to check against these videos and monitor the content on Facebook and Instagram for any potential infringements. This reduces chances of any possible IP violations and can help detect any problematic content without losing time.

Set Specific Rules for Use of Individual Videos: It makes possible for content publishers to set down specific rules for monitoring and reporting any content violations. For instance, a user would be able to choose whether to allow or report based on how extensively the content has been reused, location of any matching videos and the views it has received among other things. This makes content monitoring and protection that much flexible and easy-to-manage.

Whitelist Specific Pages or Profiles for Protected Content: Content publishers can also allow any users to use the content uploaded by them without reporting any infringements or without any need of even being monitored. This enhances the efficiency of Rights Manager tool by looking only for relevant content violations and removing any authorized usage of content from purview of monitoring.

No More ‘Freebooting’ on Facebook or Instagram: It was a commonly reported Facebook scam before introduction of Rights Manager tool, to steal and upload someone else’s content as their own and receiving any associated benefits as well. Moving onwards, Instagram would also be now protected from any such ‘Freebooting’ of its content.

Enhanced Video Ownership, Monitoring and Management: This Rights Manager tool has made video owners feel safer and able to protect their content much better on Facebook and is expected to do the same for Instagram as well. The relevance and significance of social media cannot be debated in this day and age, which is why it was so important to provide the right kind of protection for intellectual property rights of content owners.

This is exactly what Rights Manager tool helps achieve along with making it easier to manage the protected content and monitor for any potential violations which could hurt the value and uniqueness of their original content in any manner. It would also imbue confidence in content publishers for generating further quality content and uploading it without fears of any content violations.



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