Generation Of Computer 1st To 5th With Pictures

Technical Goals
5 min readMar 24, 2019


Today in this article we will explain to you the generation of computer 1st to 5th with pictures. Every generation of computers is characterized by the major technological development that changed the way of computer operating. From the 1940s to the present day the major development was shown on the computer like become smaller in size, cheaper and more efficient which we will discuss one by one in this article:

Generation Of Computer 1st To 5th With Pictures

All the five generations of the computer and the advances in the technology that led to the development of many devices which everybody uses today. Our computer journey started in 1940 with the vacuum tubes and goes to the AI (artificial intelligence) system which we use today. Let’s discuss the generation of computer 1st to 5th with pictures.

First Generation Of Computer: Vacuum Tubes (1940–1956)

The first generation of the computer used vacuum tubes for the circuitry and the magnetic drums for the memory and taking up the big rooms. It was very expensive to operate and uses a great amount of electricity and produced a large amount of heat. The first generation of the computer relied on the machine language, the lowest level programming language which was understood by the computers to perform the various functions and operations. It can solve the one problem at a time can’t do the multitasking work. The input was based on the punched cards and the paper tape and the output was displayed on the printouts. ENIAC and UNIVAC are examples of the first generation of the computer. The first commercial computer was UNIVAC which was delivered to the business client.

[ Also Read: First Generation Of Computer In Detail ]

Advantages Of The First Generation Of The Computer

  • The computer was very fast to calculate.
  • The vacuum tube technology made possible the advent of electronic computers.
  • Those days this was the only electronic.

Disadvantages Of The First Generation Of The Computer

  • The first generation of computer is not portable.
  • It is not reliable devices.
  • An air-conditioned is required.

Second Generation Of Computer: Transistors (1956–1963)

Transistors were used in the second generation of the computer and transistors replaced the vacuum tubes. The first transistor was invented in 1947 but didn’t use in the computer till 1950. Transistors are superior to the vacuum tube because due to the transistors computer becomes smaller, cheaper and faster. It is very reliable than the first generation of the computer. Transistors were also produced the large amount of heat that subjected the computer to damage. But some improvement was shown that in the second generation of the computer. The input was based on the punched cards and paper tapes and outputs were displayed on the printouts which were the same as the first generation of computer. The second generation of computer moved to the symbolic or assembly language from the cryptic binary machine language. This language allowed the programmers to specify the input or instructions in words. High-level programming languages were also developed at the same time. The first computer of the second generation was developed for the atomic energy industry.

[ Also Read: Second Generation Of Computer | Detailed Guide ]

Advantages Of The Second Generation Of The Computer

  • More reliable than the first generation.
  • Good speed and can calculate the data in the microseconds.
  • Also used assembly languages.
  • Smaller in the size as compared to the first generation.
  • Use less amount of energy.
  • Portable
  • Accuracy is improved than its predecessor.

Disadvantages Of The Second Generation Of The Computer

  • Constant maintenance is required to work properly.
  • Commercial production was very difficult.
  • Still punched cards were used for input.
  • The cooling system is required.
  • More expensive and non-versatile.
  • Used for specific purposes.

Third Generation Of The Computer: Integrated Circuits (1964–1971)

The integrated circuits were used in the third generation of the computer. Transistors were placed on the silicon chips known as semiconductors which increases the speed and efficiency of the computer drastically. In the third generation of computer user used the keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an OS (operating system) instead of the punched cards and printouts. In this generation, the computer can run many applications at one time. This generation of the computer is small, cheaper and reliable than its predecessors.

[ Also Read: 3rd Generation Of Computer ]

Advantages Of The Third Generation Of The Computer

  • More portable.
  • Consume less energy.
  • Maintenance cost is lo than its predecessor.

Disadvantages Of The Third Generation Of The Computer

  • Highly sophisticated production was cheaper and easier.

Fourth Generation Of Computer: Microprocessors (1971–2010)

The microprocessor brought in the fourth generation of computers. Thousands of the integrated circuits were built on the single silicon chip. The first generation of computer occupies the entire room but now the fourth generation of computer fit in the palm of the hand. In 1971 Intel 4004 chips were developed which was located to all the components of the computer. IBM introduced its first computer for home users in 1981. The fourth generation of the computer became more powerful and could be linked together to form the networks which led to internet development. In the fourth generation of computer, we saw the development of the GUIs, keyboard, mouse and other hand handled devices.

[ Also Read: Types Of Operating System And Their Functions ]

Advantages Of The Fourth Generation Of The Computer

  • The air conditioner is not required.
  • Totally used for general purposes.
  • Small and compact in size.
  • Heat generated is negligible which is good.
  • Faster than its predecessor.

Disadvantages Of The Fourth Generation Of The Computer

  • Highly sophisticated technology is used for the manufacture of LSI chips.

Fifth Generation Of Computer: Artificial Intelligence (2010 — Present)

The fifth generation of the computer is based on artificial intelligence and still in development. There are many applications which are used in this generation like voice recognition which is being used today. The use of superconductors and parallel processing helps to make the AI a reality. The goal or target of this generation is to develop the devices that respond to natural languages.

[ Also Read: 5th Generation Of Computer With Features & Examples ]

Advantages Of The Fifth Generation Of The Computer

  • More reliable and faster than its predecessor.
  • Easily available in different sizes with unique and different features.

Disadvantages Of The Fifth Generation Of The Computer

  • Disadvantages of the fifth generation of the computer have yet to be agreed upon.

