AI Artistry, How to Generate $200/Day with AI-Created Art

Nizam Uddin
3 min readJul 2, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and the art world is no exception. With the emergence of AI-generated art, talented individuals can now explore new avenues to monetize their creativity. This article will delve into the realm of AI artistry and guide you on how to generate a daily income of $200 through AI-created artworks.

Embracing AI for Artistic Creation

Here You Can Find the Best AIs Tools for designing, writing and more

AI-powered algorithms and machine learning techniques have the ability to generate stunning and unique artworks. By harnessing the power of AI, artists can explore endless possibilities, experiment with styles, and produce captivating visuals that resonate with audiences.

Here are the steps to kickstart your journey into AI artistry:

1. Familiarize Yourself with AI Art Tools: Begin by exploring AI art platforms, software, and tools available online. These platforms often provide intuitive interfaces and functionalities that allow artists to experiment with various AI-generated art styles.

2. Enhance Your Artistic Skills: While AI can assist in generating art, it is crucial to nurture your artistic skills and personal style. Understanding the fundamentals of traditional art techniques will complement the AI tools and enable you to infuse your unique creativity into the AI-generated output.

3. Experiment with AI Algorithms: Dive into the world of AI algorithms specifically designed for art generation. Experiment with different AI models and styles, exploring the range of outputs they can produce. This experimentation will help you find your niche and establish your artistic identity.

Monetizing AI-Created Art

Once you have created a portfolio of compelling AI-generated artwork, it’s time to monetize your creations. Here are effective strategies to generate a daily income of $200:

1. Online Art Marketplaces: Leverage online platforms such as art marketplaces and digital galleries that embrace AI art. These platforms offer exposure to a global audience and provide opportunities to sell your AI-generated artworks to art enthusiasts and collectors.

2. Print-on-Demand Services: Collaborate with print-on-demand services that allow you to showcase and sell your AI art as prints, posters, or other merchandise. These services handle the production, packaging, and shipping, allowing you to focus solely on creating art and earning revenue.

3. Commissioned Artwork: Promote your AI art services and offer commissioned artworks to individuals or businesses looking for unique and personalized AI-generated pieces. Customized artworks can command higher prices and provide a steady stream of income.

4. NFT Marketplaces: Explore the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), where digital artworks can be tokenized, bought, and sold on blockchain platforms. NFTs offer a unique way to authenticate and monetize your AI art, with the potential for significant returns on investment.

5. Art Exhibitions and Events: Participate in art exhibitions, galleries, and art fairs dedicated to AI-generated art. These events provide exposure to art enthusiasts, collectors, and industry professionals, opening doors to sales opportunities and collaborations.


The fusion of AI and art has unlocked exciting opportunities for artists to generate a daily income of $200 through AI-created art. By embracing AI tools, honing artistic skills, and exploring various monetization avenues, artists can tap into a growing market of AI art enthusiasts and collectors.

Remember, as an AI artist, it’s crucial to stay adaptable and continue to evolve your skills and artistic expression alongside advancements in AI technology. Embrace the potential of AI artistry, create remarkable artworks, and embark on a journey where creativity meets profitability.

So, are you ready to step into the world of AI artistry and generate $200/Day with your AI-created masterpieces? Let your imagination run wild, and let AI be your creative companion on this exciting artistic and entrepreneurial endeavour.



Nizam Uddin

Nizam Uddin is here to teach you how to make money online.