My self care tips for anyone experiencing a layoff

2 min readFeb 10, 2023


It started as a normal work day. Ad-hoc meeting scheduled for 10PM seemed kind of interesting. But many things happen ad-hoc and are scheduled last minute. Skeptical, I began a very short work day. By 11AM I was returning my badge, computer, and walking out with a few memorable items, like my badge holder. What next?

The first thing I did was research unemployment. Given the economic climate, it is of upmost importance to ensure that basic needs are met. I come from poverty and low-income housing, and even though I don’t intend to go back, I need to know what my options are in this transitional period.

The second thing I did is go get a long overdue haircut. Just a small act of self-care I could give to myself at the moment. There is a wide range of emotions and grieving that I think anyone affected by layoffs will go through. Below are some tips for self-care that I hope can benefit you as you move through this transition.

  1. Take time for yourself — Please give yourself enough time to cope. Take a day, a week, even a month if need be. Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. And give yourself the time to find out what you need.
  2. Connect with your community — Feeling isolated during rough times can easily make things feel a lot worse. If you are experiencing a layoff reach out! Find and invest in a community that can also invest in and uplift you.
  3. Reflect — Take time to journal, talk to someone, or maybe sit and meditate. Grounding yourself and reflecting can help you sort out and process those tough feelings. I’ll be taking a week to do this personally.
  4. Plan — One of the things that can help us feel better about the future is creating a plan of action. You should start with small things that you can start doing now (leading up to applying and finding a job). Start with researching companies, updating your resume, and remember, there is still time to apply to internal job postings.

This is just a simple list of tips for anyone who may need it. Please take care of yourself. You are amazing for even getting the chance to work as such a company. Let’s love ourselves first. And when you’re ready, I’ll see you all out there in the professional world again.

-Yusuf Corr

A picture of me!

