The Future of artificial intelligence Technology

Techno gibran
2 min readJun 2, 2022


The future of AI is so bright that it can no longer be ignored!

The potential of the technology is tremendous and it will be a major part of our lives in 2018. We cannot think of how powerful it is, that we’ve only just scratched the surface. And there are still so many opportunities to take advantage of. In this post, I’m going to cover what we need to know about artificial intelligence technology and some of its benefits and limitations. Also, in the next post, I’ll talk about more applications where it can be used rather than being limited to video-based and voice recognition. For those who want to learn more about it, here’s a fantastic infographic by Andrew Ng showing up to help, along with a list that’s perfect for your own reading. It features everything from robotics to self driving cars to driverless vehicles and even things like virtual assistants like Siri and Google Assistant. Everything is amazing and gives you an idea of the possibilities that you just may not have thought of, without having to do any research yourself. You should probably head over to this article to find out all about how artificial intelligence has become such a huge part of daily life for us, which makes me very excited, as soon as my readership starts growing I predict that these articles will continue to grow exponentially! Read More…



Techno gibran

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