Nokia 2720 Flip

3 min readSep 3, 2023


The Nokia 2720 Flip is a modern take on the classic flip phone, designed for those who seek simplicity in the digital age or those wanting a break from the constant connectivity of contemporary smartphones. Here’s a comprehensive review of the Nokia 2720 Flip, highlighting its technical specifications, usability, user interface, advantages, and potential drawbacks:

Technical Specifications:

  • Display: The Nokia 2720 Flip features a 2.8-inch display, which is relatively small by today’s standards.
  • Resolution: The screen resolution stands at 240 x 320 pixels.
  • Camera: It comes with a 2-megapixel rear camera. Notably, there’s no front-facing or selfie camera.
  • Processor: The phone is powered by a dual-core 1.1GHz CPU.
  • Storage: It offers 512MB of internal storage.
  • Connectivity: The device supports 4G LTE networks, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, allowing for wireless headphone connections.


  • Battery Life: One of the advantages of the Nokia 2720 Flip is its battery life. It lasts longer than most smartphones, requiring a charge roughly every couple of days. This duration can vary based on usage patterns, such as email syncing frequency.
  • Keyboard: The phone uses a basic T9 keyboard, which can be challenging for those accustomed to touchscreen keyboards. Typing out messages, especially on platforms like WhatsApp, can be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating.
  • Voice Features: To mitigate the challenges of the T9 keyboard, users can send voice memos on apps like WhatsApp or use the Google Assistant’s voice dictation feature to compose messages.

User Interface:

  • Operating System: The Nokia 2720 Flip runs on KaiOS.
  • Apps: The phone comes pre-installed with several popular apps, including YouTube, Google Maps, Google Assistant, Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. However, it lacks apps like Instagram, Messenger, and Spotify.
  • Web Browsing: While the phone includes a web browser, navigating the internet with the T9 keyboard and the phone’s basic dual-core processor requires patience.


  • Digital Detox: For those looking to reduce screen time or take a break from the constant buzz of notifications, the Nokia 2720 Flip serves as a viable option. Its limited features can help reduce distractions.
  • Battery Life: As mentioned, the battery life is superior to many smartphones on the market.
  • Compact Design: The flip design allows for a compact form factor, making it easy to carry around.


  • Limited Usability: While the phone supports modern apps, the user experience is not as smooth or fast as on contemporary smartphones. For instance, using Google Maps or watching YouTube videos can be a test of patience due to the phone’s limited processing capabilities.
  • T9 Keyboard: The T9 keyboard can be a significant drawback for those used to quick typing on touchscreens. This can make communication, especially in fast-paced group chats, challenging.
  • Lack of Apps: The absence of certain essential apps can be a limitation for some users.

Conclusion: The Nokia 2720 Flip is a blend of nostalgia and modern functionality. It’s perfect for those seeking a break from the complexities of modern smartphones or those who simply prefer the tactile feel of physical buttons. However, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations, especially if you’re accustomed to the speed and versatility of contemporary smartphones.

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DE AMAZON LINK: Nokia 2720 Flip

US AMAZON LINK: Nokia 2720 Flip

