How to Build an eCommerce Website- A Guide by an eCommerce Development Company in the USA

5 min readJul 2, 2024


eCommerce Development Company in the USA with 9 yards technology

In the contemporary situation of digital transformation, businesses should have an online presence to attract more customers and attain a highly competitive edge. With an eCommerce website, businesses can escalate their reach and operate in this growing online market. However, if you want to build an eCommerce website, try to consult with a professional eCommerce development company in the USA, which can be a game-changer. This blog will guide you to the appropriate steps for building a successful, optimized, and user-friendly eCommerce website for success.

Step 1: Define Your Business Goals and Audience

Let’s discuss some general aspects of building an eCommerce website before dipping into the technical aspects. For the first step, you must have a clear understanding of your business goals and target audience. Moreover, try to identify the aim that you want to achieve with your eCommerce website and your ideal customers. It can help you to get an appropriate design and functionality for your website. As per the report by Statista, the projected revenue of the E-Commerce industry in the US by 2029 is approximately 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars.


Step 2: Choose the Right eCommerce Platform

One of the critical aspects of building an eCommerce website and its success is selecting the right eCommerce platform. However, there are several platforms available that have their benefits and features. Some renowned platforms are WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento. However, if you prefer a more customized website for your business, try to work with a customer web design company in the USA like 9Yards Technology, which can develop a bespoke eCommerce platform aligned with your business needs.

Step 3: Design a User-Friendly Interface

Ensure that the design of your eCommerce website is user-friendly and intuitive. It is important that customers can navigate through your site easily and find what they are looking for seamlessly. Moreover, a customer web design company in the USA can develop a unique and engaging design, it can help you to reflect your brand identity and provide an excellent user experience.

Key Elements of a User-Friendly Interface:

Responsive Design: Make sure your eCommerce website is mobile-friendly.

Clear Navigation: Use simple menus to help users navigate easily on your website.

Search Functionality: Keep a powerful and user-friendly search tool that helps users to find products quickly.

High-Quality Images: Upload and use professional images and icons to showcase your products.

Step 4: Implement Secure Payment Gateways

For an eCommerce website, security is the top priority. It is necessary to let customers trust that their personal and payment information is safe with you. Collaborate with an eCommerce development company in the USA like 9Yards Technology to incorporate secure payment gateways like PayPal, Square, or Stripe. Ensure that your website complies with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements. According to a survey by Baymard Institute found that 17% of customers abandon their carts due to payment security concerns.

Step 5: Search Engine Optimization

To get organic traffic to your eCommerce website, it is necessary to get the site optimized for search engines. Moreover, implementing SEO best practices can assist you in ranking your website higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). 9Yards Technology is an eCommerce Development Company in the USA, which can help you with proper keyword research, creating SEO-friendly content, and on-page SEO.

SEO Best Practices

ü Keyword Optimization: Utilize relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and product listings to optimize your content for search engines.

ü Meta Tags: Optimize meta descriptions and meta titles for every page.

ü Alt Text for Images: Try to include alt text for all product images.

ü Internal Linking: Providing a link to relevant pages within your website can help you improve navigation and enhance the SEO aspects of the site.

Step 6: Integrate Essential Features

Several features are essential to include in an eCommerce website, which can enhance your shopping experience. Some essential features are:

ü Product Ratings and Reviews: Allowing customers to provide ratings and reviews about your products can help you develop authority and trust.

ü Wishlist Function: It will allow users to save any product for later to buy.

ü Easy Checkout Process: Streamlining the checkout process can reduce cart abandonment and escalate sales.

ü Multiple Payment Options: Try to include multiple payment methods as it can help your customers choose payment options according to their preferences and requirements.

Step 7: Provide Excellent Customer Support

One of the most vital aspects of an eCommerce website is that it helps you to retain your customers because sometimes customers face several issues related to their purchase post-buying. Moreover, it can help your eCommerce business to create efficient brand loyalty. Also, try to include multiple channels for your customer support like email, live chats, phone support, or feedback form. Additionally, ensure your customer support team is responsive and knowledgeable. A study by HubSpot found that 93% of customers are most likely to purchase repeatedly with companies with excellent customer service.

Step 8: Test and Launch Your Website

Testing your eCommerce website is an important task before its launch to check its functionality. Identify and resolve any broken links, test the checkout process of your eCommerce website, and test the website’s loading speed. When you are 100% sure that your eCommerce site is ready then it’s time to launch.

Post-Launch Tips

Monitor Performance: It is important to track the performance of your website, utilizing analytics tools can help you track your eCommerce website effectively.

Collect Feedback: Try to contact and gather feedback from your initial users to identify the areas for improvement.

Regular Updates: Always try to keep your website updated with new products, content, blogs, and features to enhance the user experience of your site.


In today’s competitive situation, building an eCommerce website requires effective planning and execution. Partner with a professional eCommerce Development Company in the USA like 9Yards Technology to ensure your website has a user-friendly design that is optimized and secure for users. By following the guidelines mentioned above and utilizing the expertise of the best web development services in the USA like 9YT, you can build a successful website.

Why Choose 9Yards Technology?

9Yards Technology is the leading eCommerce Development Company in the USA renowned for its expertise in developing user-friendly and scalable eCommerce platforms. Moreover, we have a team of experienced SEO specialists, web developers, and designers to offer tailored solutions as per your business needs. Whether you need a WordPress development agency in the USA or a customer web design company in the USA, we are here to help you achieve your business goals.

