How To Fish For Tuna

5 min readApr 30, 2024

Whether you are a seasoned angler or just getting to grips with fishing for the first time, catching your first tuna is always going to be on your bucket list. What is the best way to go about catching tuna, and what is it that makes them such an exciting species to go after? Here is your complete guide to fishing for tuna.

Why Add Tuna To Your Bucket List?

How many species of fish to catch all over the USA, so why is it that you should add tuna to your bucket list? They are a really interesting species of fish, because they actually have the ability to regulate their own body temperature. Because of this, they can live in a variety of different areas, so they can be found all over the country.

Tuna are also predators, and have highly tuned hunting abilities. When it comes to catching them, they offer a real challenge because they can achieve such speed in the water. Because of this, it really is and achievement to catch your first tuna.

Finally, of course if you catch tuna you then have the option of eating it, and there are few fish as tasty as this one. If you enjoy cooking up what you catch, you are going to get a delicious meal out of a tuna fish.

Get Set Up Before You Go

No matter where you go to start catching tuna, you need to be sure that your boat is set up and ready. You could be out on the water for a while, and you don’t want to be caught unawares.

For example, it is vital that you have safety equipment on board. That should include radio equipment so you can radio for help if needed, as well as life jackets for everybody on board. Also, make sure that you have a first aid on board so you can handle any minor injuries.

It also a good idea to have a marine fuel bladder onboard with you as well. These are also referred to as a boat gas tank bladder or fuel bladder for boats. A good boat gas tank bladder will be able to hold extra fuel for you, so if you ever need it you can be sure you can get back through the dock safely. Fill up your fuel bladder for boats before you head out for the day.

Finally, ensure that you have all of the essentials with you for a full day of fishing. Take sun block with you so you can avoid UV ray damage to your skin, as well as plenty of food and water to keep you going.

Catching Different Types Of Tuna

There are several different types of tuna around the USA, so you were going to have to consider which kind of tuna you are catching before you head out. Here are all the most common ones that you can catch right now.

Skipjack Tuna: This tuna can be found in coastal and ocean waters, and can typically be found year-round. You are in a higher latitude though, you will find they are more seasonal.

When looking for this type of tuna, you will see that their gather in huge groups of fish, which can be up to 50,000 strong. However, that doesn’t mean that they will be easy to catch because they are quick to escape as soon as they realize you are there.

That means that the easiest way of catching them is to troll the bait far behind the boats, in order to bring them in. Bringing a marine fuel bladder with you is a good idea, as it will allow you to go far out to sea and troll for hours.

Dogtooth Tuna: This is one of the largest tuna on the list, with the largest on record being 230 lbs. While you may not catch one at that size, you are likely to find some massive specimens. You can typically find them on shore waters when the seasons are warm, as well as in reefs or rocky areas.

When when heading out to catch Dogtooth Tuna, don’t be lured into a false sense of security when they bite pretty much any baits that you have. They will make a quick dive as soon as they are hooked, but the trick here is the tire the tuna out rather than try and fight it out of the water. This can take time, so making sure you have a boat gas tank bladder on board to keep you going is essential.

Blackfin Tuna: This species of tuna typically lives in warm and tropical waters, so you will often find anglers fishing for them in the waters around Florida. With all the right supplies and a fuel bladder for boats, you can spend many an hour fishing for blackfin tuna in the sun.

If you do want to catch this species, be aware that they have incredible eyesights. Because of this they will spot your line in the water, so you need the lightest fluorocarbon line possible. Again, using trolling as a fishing method works well here, so make sure you have that marine fuel bladder on board.

Albacore Tuna: This species of tuna can be found along the west coast, all the way from California to Washington. They are a highly durable fish, and you will feel that when you are trying to pull them in on your line. Having a marine fuel bladder on board is key to keep you going when you are trying to reel one in.

The best way to catch this tuna is with live baked trolling, as well as a fluorocarbon line to combat their good eyesight.

Now you know how to catch some of the most common tuna that anglers often go for. Catching a tuna is always an exciting experience, and it’s one that everyone will want to tick off their bucket list. Now you know how, so you can get out there and try it for yourself.




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