An Introduction to Cyber Security Basics for Beginner

Techpragna E-Learning
1 min readJan 28, 2022


Cybersecurity is the most concerning matter as cyber threats and attacks are overgrowing.

Attackers are now using more sophisticated techniques to target the systems. Individuals, small-scale businesses, or large organizations are all being impacted. So, all these firms, whether IT or non-IT firms, have understood the importance of Cyber Security and focusing on adopting all possible measures to deal with cyber threats.

The eight most basic elements of a strong cybersecurity posture are:

  • Asset Management & Identification.
  • Risk Management.
  • Access Management.
  • Threat Management.
  • Security Controls.
  • Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity.
  • Incident Management.
  • Security Education, Training, and Awareness.

The Top Skills Required for Cybersecurity Jobs

  • Problem-Solving Skills. …
  • Technical Aptitude. …
  • Knowledge of Security Across Various Platforms. …
  • Attention to Detail. …
  • Communication Skills. …
  • Fundamental Computer Forensics Skills. …
  • A Desire to Learn. …
  • An Understanding of Hacking.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is the process and techniques involved in protecting sensitive data, computer systems, networks, and software applications from cyber attacks.

To understand the need for Cyber Security measures and their practices, let’s have a quick look at the types of threats and attacks.


Botnets Attacks

Social Engineering Attacks

Cryptocurrency Hijacking





