From Rejection to Redirection: Unraveling the Path to Tech Sales at Microsoft

Dayvisson DaSilva
2 min readApr 11, 2024

Navigating the Path to a Career in Tech Sales at Microsoft

In the competitive world of tech, landing a job at a giant like Microsoft can often feel akin to joining the Olympic team of the Tech World. It’s challenging, but not insurmountable. Today, I want to share insights and strategies that have not only worked for me but have also helped dozens transition into rewarding careers in tech sales.

Mindset is Half the Battle

Embarking on this journey requires more than just skills and qualifications; it demands a resilient mindset. The path is not easy, yet it isn’t rocket science either. Equip yourself with determination and patience because every rejection is not a setback but redirection towards the right opportunity.

Back to Basics

In an era where AI tools promise quick job placements, remember — there’s no substitute for the basics. Tailoring your resume to match job descriptions and networking are still paramount steps in your job search journey.


  • Target Specific Roles: Clarity in your desired role prevents you from getting lost in the maze of opportunities.
  • Customize Your Resume: Align every bullet point with the job description.
  • Network: LinkedIn can be your powerful ally; use it extensively.
  • Informational Interviews: They prepare you for actual interviews and keep you top of mind.
  • Seek Advice: Connect with those who’ve walked your desired path.


  • Avoid generic inquiries about hiring; focus on specific roles.
  • Never reach out without reading job descriptions or tailoring your resume.
  • Applying without an internal referral diminishes your chances significantly.
  • Blaming others won’t help; focus on what you can control.

Rejection is Redirection

I spent two years and endured four rounds of interviews before landing my first offer at Microsoft. Interestingly, I was once ‘rejected’ by the same team that later hired me! Every ‘no’ brought me closer to my ‘yes’. It was all about finding synergy with the right team and manager.

Your Time Will Come

Prepare diligently, learn from every interaction, rejection, and feedback. Believe that doors will open when you align with opportunity — giving right answers at the right time to right people.

Remember — perfection isn’t prerequisite for placement; persistence is!

Disclaimer: These insights are based on my personal experiences and do not represent official stances of Microsoft or its recruiting teams.

Stay tuned for more insights as I unravel this series on landing a job at Microsoft and the life of Tech Sales at Microsoft.

I hope this message helps someone. Stay tuned and follow me for the series — “How to Land a Tech Sales Job and the Life of a Tech Seller at Microsoft!” Do reshare ♻ to help your network and follow for more updates.



Dayvisson DaSilva

I'm a Tech Sales Hacker and help professionals Hack into Tech Sales I Sales Executive @ Microsoft Non-Profits | Solution Specialist | Account Management | MBA