What Tools Should be Used for SEO on Etsy?

TheTech Savvy
5 min readMar 15, 2024

What Tools Should be Used for SEO on Etsy? Boost your shop’s visibility with the top 10 Estsy SEO tools! Discover EtsyHunt and eRank, their best features, and pricing for ultimate success. Read on now!

As an Etsy seller, you understand the importance of standing out amidst the sea of talented artisans and creative entrepreneurs. With 96.3 million sellers offering unique products, getting noticed can be challenging.

However, With the right Etsy SEO tools and strategies, you can gain a competitive edge and soar to the top of the search results. In this blog, we’ll explore the paramount importance of Etsy SEO tools for your shop’s success.

Read on to discover how these tools can help you reach the right audience, boost visibility, and elevate your sales to new heights.

Understanding Etsy SEO

Before we delve into the fantastic Etsy SEO tools, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of Etsy search engine optimisation. Etsy’s search algorithm works differently from traditional search engines like Google. Instead of focusing solely on keywords, Etsy considers various factors to rank listings, including:

Relevance: How well your product matches the search query.

Recency: The freshness of your listing — newer items often get a boost.

Customer Reviews: Positive reviews can improve your rankings.

Conversion Rate: The likelihood of a listing resulting in a sale.

Completeness: Listings with comprehensive details are favoured.

10 Best Etsy SEO Tools

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the powerful Etsy SEO tools that can take your store to new heights:

1. EtsyHunt

EtsyHunt boasts the largest Etsy product database, with over 48 million products and 25 million searchable items. This powerful keyword research tool helps you identify popular products in your niche and address listing issues on Etsy.

It provides valuable insights into views, favourites, competition, and sales figures for keywords. Additionally, EtsyHunt can determine top-selling products online and calculate Etsy fees.

With various filters available, you can find specific products, view their price range, average reviews, shipping origin, and total sales.

Key Features:

  • Identify the top keywords and Etsy tags with the highest searches for your listings.
  • Thoroughly analyse all relevant factors for enhanced decision-making.
  • Discover product prices, average reviews, shipping origins, and more.
  • Review listings individually for categories and product descriptions.
  • Detailed product analysis based on price, favourites, and reviews.


Pricing options include Free and Paid plans, starting at $3.99/monthly.

2. eRank

The eRank tool is highly acclaimed for optimising search engine listings and enhancing shop visibility on Etsy. With its Etsy keyword explorers, rank checkers, and listing audit tools, it aids in increasing online sales.

Read SEO Keyword Strategy: Find the Power of Effective Keywords

The Keyword Explorer offers valuable insights into search terms, including clicks, click-through rate (CTR), competition, and Etsy’s search volume estimates. It provides data on average prices, views, and liked listings for the top 100 results of a specific keyword.

The Listing Audit not only offers improvement suggestions but also highlights positive aspects of your listing’s performance.

Key Features:

  • Analyses and assesses your listing’s current performance.
  • Provides information on your total sales.
  • Offers suggestions to improve your listing’s visibility.
  • Includes a keyword tool and a monitor tool for comprehensive shop optimisation.


Pricing options include Free and Paid plans, starting at $5.99/monthly.

3. Sale Samurai

With the Sale Samurai tool, discovering the keywords Etsy shoppers use becomes effortless. Advanced filters help identify long-tail keywords and compare them with Etsy’s search volume estimates. The Chrome extension allows sorting of Etsy store data on the site.

This tool offers insights into your business’ keywords, monthly search volume, competitor strength, and conversion rates. You can also view a product’s monthly search volume directly in Etsy’s search bar using the extension.

Etsy SEO tools are vital for ranking well and competing effectively. With Etsy Analytic Tools, you can monitor your competitors’ keywords, Etsy tags, and titles.

Key Features:

  • Search for Etsy products using keywords for better visibility.
  • Identify long-tail keywords, competition, and Etsy search volume.
  • Utilise the Chrome extension to sort data efficiently.
  • Access valuable keyword information to optimise your shop.
  • Monitor competitors’ keywords, Etsy tags, and titles for strategic advantage.


Pricing options include Free and Paid plans, starting at $9.99/monthly.

4. Alura

Alura aims to deliver Etsy success through its all-in-one platform, which encompasses product research, keyword search, and Etsy listing optimisation.

This comprehensive tool goes beyond email marketing campaigns and Etsy store management. Its Chrome browser integration allows direct access to Etsy revenue and sales data within the tool.

A unique feature of Alura is its email sending capability, which enables transactional email communications and subscriber campaigns on Etsy. By using email transactions, businesses can enhance customer loyalty through special offers.

Read SEO vs PPC: Which Is Better?

The keyword recommendation tool provides valuable insights, including views, favourites, competition, and sales estimates for keywords with low competition and high demand.

Key Features:

  • Find products, discover keywords, and optimise listings with ease.
  • Get the best value for your investment with Alura’s comprehensive features.
  • Estimate your Etsy sales and revenue for better decision-making.
  • Leverage integrated email marketing service for Etsy stores.
  • Utilise transactional and subscriber-based emails to engage customers effectively.


Pricing options include Free and Paid plans, starting at $29/monthly.

5. Marmalead

Marmalead stands out as one of the best original tools for Etsy keyword research and SEO, perfect for maximising your shop’s visibility. It offers a detailed analysis of your Etsy listings, displays your Etsy ranking, and caters to beginners in the online selling journey.

This user-friendly tool helps you establish a keyword strategy, optimise your Etsy listings, and learn about SEO. It provides valuable insights into keywords, including forecasted trends, search volume engagement, and competition levels.

Marmalead’s Keyword Comparison feature allows you to compare up to four keywords side-by-side, aiding in prioritising based on search term metrics.

Key Features:

  • Brainstorm keywords with ease using Marmalead’s intuitive design.
  • Access relevant keywords with demand and competition data.
  • Add more keywords to your list as needed, expanding your reach.
  • Perfect for beginners, providing a user-friendly layout.
  • Optimise your Etsy shop’s performance with Marmalead’s comprehensive insights.


Pricing options include Free and Paid plans, starting at $19/month.


These 5 best Etsy SEO tools are invaluable assets for any Etsy seller striving to excel in the competitive marketplace. From EtsyHunt’s powerful keyword research to eRank’s comprehensive SEO analysis, each tool offers unique features to enhance visibility and boost sales.

Alura’s all-in-one platform and Marmalead’s trend analysis are perfect choices for optimal Etsy success. With Sale Samurai’s keyword identification, sellers gain a strategic edge.

Embracing these tools empowers sellers to unlock the potential of their Etsy shop, connect with the right customers, and achieve the sales they deserve.

So, embrace the power of Etsy SEO tools and embark on a journey towards unparalleled success on the thriving Etsy platform!

