Welcome to TechSprint

3 min readDec 13, 2017


We have just launched TechSprint to Copenhagen, Denmark and the wider world. What we present is something we believe can take personal development, inter-connectedness and corporate innovation to completely new realms. This is our effort to bridge the future with the present, and we hope you will join us!

Over the last half year, we’ve thrown a series of hackathons in Copenhagen on a variety of topics — ranging from Legal to Logistics to Banking. We’ve interacted with immensely talented people, from astrophysicists to school teachers, garbage consultants and painters. We have learned a lot from them, and their feedback is reflective and positive. We have a ‘satisfaction’ score of 88% indicating that we’re on to something — and we think it’s time to level up.

The finalists and judges from Copenhagen InsurTech Hackathon in September, 2017.

We are obsessed with innovation, change and improvement. We live by the mantra “If you’re not evolving, you’re decaying”. So we’ve applied the 80/20 principle to our own efforts thus far, and we’ve identified three core focus areas that we do exceptionally well:


Knowledge is power, and we are all about empowerment for the future. To cultivate personal and professional growth we facilitate relevant workshops and emphasize reflection. We provide top-notch experts who will help you develop yourself and your idea faster than anywhere else.


Energy and wellbeing comes from nutrition and exercise — so we serve lots of organic, seasonal food and facilitate games and activities. We keep our minds light and nimble with yoga and mindfulness. And then we practice ping-pong all night long.


When two minds come together they form a third mind. We are fortunate to have access to the best talent and the brightest experts. And we love for everyone to make friends. If you feel the same way just drop by the lounge, sit in on an expert session or join our communal dinner. We’ll save you a seat.

So what now?

Our first attempt at bridging future and present will be the 26th January, 2018. We are inviting you to join our 24-hour intense sprint to develop the future of Sharing Economy and Healthcare. We will do this at The Camp, a co-working space in the HQ of Tryg, one of largest insurance providers in the Nordics.

You don’t need to set aside a whole weekend. It’s just 24 hours, and if you need some shut-eye, we’ve got you covered with beanie bags, blankets and eye masks. We’ll make sure there is plenty of coffee, fruits and snacks for you to do your thing. And when we’re all done, we’ll have a grand dinner to celebrate our successes.

Sounds interesting — read more and apply for a spot here

First ever TechSprint will be on Sharing Economy and Healthcare — join us!

TechSprint is a platform for powerful ideas
TechSprint is a platform for development and change
TechSprint is about discovering the future

This is where companies open up for the odd approach
This is where talent can collaborate with peers and experts
This is where grit is developed and energy created

We’re expecting a lot, we know. But so should you!




TechSprint is the latest platform within personal and concept development. Apply for next event: www.techsprint.io