How to Stop Receiving WhatsApp Messages from Unknown Numbers Without Blocking 2023

Tech To Tools
2 min readJun 2, 2023

If you want to stop receiving Whats App messages from unknown numbers without resorting to blocking, there are a few steps you can take to manage your privacy and reduce unwanted messages. Here’s a guide on how to do it:

How to Stop receiving spam calls and messages from Unknown Numbers .

Privacy settings

Open Whats App and navigate to “Settings” in the menu. Select “Account” and then “Privacy.” Here, you can customise who can see your profile picture, status, and last seen. By limiting these options to your contacts only, unknown numbers won’t be able to access this information or initiate conversations based on it.

Change your privacy settings for messaging

Within the same “Privacy” section, you can modify who can send you messages. Select “Who can message me” and choose “My contacts” to ensure that only people in your address book can send you messages. This setting will prevent random unknown numbers from reaching your inbox.

Restricting group invitations

To avoid being added to random groups by unknown numbers, go back to the “Privacy” section and tap on “Groups.” You’ll be presented with three options: “Everyone,” “My contacts,” and “My contacts except.” By selecting “My contacts” or “My contacts except,” you can prevent strangers from adding you to groups without your consent.

Blocking contacts

If you receive a message from an unknown number that you find particularly bothersome, you can still block it individually. Open the chat, tap on the contact’s name at the top, and select “Block.” This action will prevent any further messages from that specific number.

Reporting spam

Whats App provides a reporting feature for spam messages. If you receive unsolicited messages from unknown numbers that you believe are spam, you can report them to Whats App. Open the chat, tap on the contact’s name, and select “Report.” This information helps Whats App improve its spam detection and protects other users as well.

By following these steps, you can enhance your privacy on Whats App and minimise the number of messages you receive from unknown numbers without resorting to blocking everyone. Remember to regularly review your privacy settings to ensure they align with your preferences and needs.

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