Aion Classic Kinah Farming Guide 2024

8 min readJun 29, 2024


Kinah is the primary currency in Aion Classic, essential for purchasing gear, consumables, and other valuable items. Efficiently farming kinah can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. This guide outlines effective strategies for kinah farming in Aion Classic.

1. Daily Quests and Repeatable Quests

Completing daily and repeatable quests provides a steady income of kinah:

  • Daily Quests: Focus on quests that offer kinah rewards. These are available in various regions and often involve simple tasks like killing specific mobs or gathering items.
  • Repeatable Quests: Some quests can be repeated multiple times for kinah rewards. Identify and prioritize these quests.

Tip: Group up with other players to complete quests faster and share the rewards.

2. Crafting and Gathering

Crafting and gathering can be lucrative if done correctly:

  • Gathering: Collect materials from nodes and sell them on the marketplace. High-demand materials include ores, herbs, and aether.
  • Crafting: Focus on crafting high-demand items such as consumables (potions, scrolls) and gear. Sell these items to other players for a profit.

Tip: Invest in leveling up your crafting and gathering skills to access higher-tier materials and recipes.

3. Instance Runs

Running instances can yield valuable loot that can be sold for kinah:

  • Solo Instances: Complete solo instances to farm loot and kinah without the need for a group.
  • Group Instances: Join groups to tackle more challenging instances that offer better rewards. Distribute the loot fairly and sell what you don’t need.

Tip: Use instances with high kinah drops and valuable loot to maximize your earnings.

4. Selling High-Value Items

Identify and sell high-value items in the marketplace:

  • Manastones: Farm and sell rare manastones.
  • Gear: Obtain rare gear drops from mobs and instances and sell them to other players.
  • Crafting Materials: Sell rare crafting materials that are in high demand.

Tip: Monitor the marketplace to understand the demand and adjust your farming accordingly.

If you prefer not to farm for Aion Classic Kinah, you can purchase them here with a 6% discount using the coupon code: vhpg.

5. Solo Methods

  • Elite Mob Grinding: Target elite mobs in appropriate zones for your level. They have a higher chance of dropping valuable items and kinah compared to regular mobs. Focus on areas with high mob density for faster farming.
  • Instance Runs: Complete daily solo instances like Steel Rake or Dragon Lord’s Catacombs. These offer decent rewards and kinah drops.
  • Gathering and Crafting (Long-Term): Learn professions like Alchemy, Cooking, or Handicrafting. Gather materials and craft items to sell on the broker. However, this requires investment and time to level your professions.
  • World Boss Participation: Join world boss fights with your legion or a group. Winning can provide valuable loot and kinah.

6. Group Activities (More Profitable)

  • ESO Runs: Selling “Elder Sign of Order” runs with alternate characters (alts) can be lucrative, but requires having multiple characters leveled.
  • Duo/Trio Dungeon Runs: Team up with 1–2 other players and tackle dungeons like Roah & Asteria Chambers for rare Balaur Scales. These scales sell for high prices on the broker.
  • Legion Activities: Participating in legion activities like Lairs or Balaur can yield valuable rewards and kinah.

7. General Tips

  • Optimize Your Gear and Skills: Faster clear times in instances and open-world farming means more runs and loot per hour.
  • Utilize the Broker Effectively: Research market trends and undercut competitors slightly to sell your items faster. Look for high-demand items like crafting materials or rare drops.
  • Daily Kinah Cap: There’s a daily kinah cap you can earn from monster drops and quests (around 1 million kinah). After reaching the cap, other methods (like selling items) become more important.

8. Gathering Aether

Aether is a valuable resource used in crafting and can be sold for a high price:

  • Aether Nodes: Locate and farm aether nodes in various regions.
  • Essencetapping: Level up your essencetapping skill to gather higher-tier aether.

Tip: Focus on gathering during off-peak hours to avoid competition and maximize your yield.

9. Farming Mobs

Certain mobs drop valuable loot and kinah:

  • Elite Mobs: Farm elite mobs in higher-level zones for better loot drops.
  • Rift Farming: Use rifts to access enemy territory and farm mobs there. These mobs often drop better loot and kinah.

Tip: Use gear that increases your damage output and survivability to farm mobs more efficiently.

10. Trading and Merchandising

Engage in trading and merchandising to earn kinah:

  • Buy Low, Sell High: Buy items when prices are low and sell them when prices increase.
  • Market Analysis: Regularly analyze the marketplace to identify profitable trading opportunities.

Tip: Focus on items that have consistent demand and monitor price fluctuations closely.

11. Participate in Events

In-game events often provide opportunities to earn extra kinah:

  • Event Quests: Complete event-specific quests for kinah rewards.
  • Event Loot: Participate in events that offer special loot, which can be sold for kinah.

Tip: Stay updated on upcoming events and participate actively to maximize your earnings.

12. Auction House

Utilize the auction house to sell your items effectively:

  • List Items: Regularly list valuable items on the auction house.
  • Competitive Pricing: Set competitive prices to ensure your items sell quickly.

Tip: Keep an eye on market trends and adjust your prices accordingly.


Important Note: Be wary of methods that promote using bots or exploiting in-game mechanics. These can get you banned.

By implementing these strategies, you can efficiently farm kinah in Aion Classic and enhance your overall gameplay experience. Focus on high-value activities, optimize your time, and stay informed about the market to maximize your earnings. Remember, the best kinah farming method depends on your level, playstyle, and available time. Experiment and find what works best for you!

Essential Tips for Aion Classic Players

1. Efficient Leveling

Leveling efficiently in Aion Classic ensures you progress quickly and unlock new content:

  • Questing: Focus on completing quests in your current level range. Chain quests together to save time.
  • Grinding: Find spots with high mob density and low competition for efficient grinding.
  • Group Up: Join a group to complete quests and kill mobs faster.

Tip: Use experience boosts from events or items to speed up your leveling.

2. Gear Progression

Keeping your gear updated is crucial for tackling tougher content:

  • Campaign Rewards: Complete campaign quests for valuable gear rewards.
  • Instances: Run instances to obtain better gear and upgrade materials.
  • Crafting: Craft or buy crafted gear to fill any gaps in your equipment.

Tip: Prioritize gear with stats that complement your class and playstyle.

3. Mastering Your Class

Understanding your class mechanics and abilities is key to success:

  • Skill Rotation: Learn and optimize your skill rotation for maximum damage or healing.
  • Stigmas: Equip the right stigma stones to enhance your abilities.
  • Practice: Spend time practicing your class in various scenarios, such as solo play, group play, and PvP.

Tip: Join class-specific communities or forums to learn advanced tips and tricks.

4. Resource Management

Efficiently managing your resources ensures you are always prepared:

  • Kinah: Save and invest your kinah wisely. Avoid unnecessary purchases.
  • Consumables: Always carry enough potions, scrolls, and other consumables.
  • Crafting Materials: Gather and store crafting materials for future use.

Tip: Use alts to store extra items and free up space on your main character.

5. General Gameplay

  • Master Your Class: Understanding your class’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial. Practice rotations, learn effective skill combos, and optimize your gear for your role (tank, healer, DPS).
  • Join a Legion: A good legion provides invaluable support, social interaction, and access to group activities like Lairs and Balaur.
  • Complete Daily Quests: Daily quests offer good rewards like experience, kinah, and reputation. Prioritize quests that give skill points or equipment upgrades.
  • Utilize Siel’s Buff: Look for the blue buff icon on the world map. This buff grants bonus experience in that zone, so prioritize clearing quests and grinding there for faster leveling.

6. Combat and Efficiency

  • Auto-Attack Weaving: Always weave light and heavy attacks between your abilities to maximize damage or resource regeneration.
  • Conserve Potions: Use potions strategically during boss fights or challenging encounters. Don’t waste them on regular mobs.
  • Quick Keys and Macros: Set up hotkeys for frequently used items, skills, and character buffs for faster and more efficient gameplay. Consider using macros for complex ability sequences (check server rules regarding macro usage).
  • Group Up for Dungeons: Tackling dungeons with a group is not only safer but also faster and offers better rewards.

7. PvP Preparation

PvP is a significant aspect of Aion Classic. Prepare yourself for battles:

  • Gear: Obtain PvP-specific gear to boost your effectiveness in combat.
  • Skills: Practice your PvP skills and learn strategies for fighting different classes.
  • Communication: Join a legion (guild) and coordinate with your teammates for group PvP.

Tip: Participate in duels and practice arenas to hone your PvP skills.

8. Economy and Trading

Understanding the in-game economy can help you earn kinah and acquire valuable items:

  • Market Trends: Monitor the auction house for price trends and trading opportunities.
  • Crafting Profits: Craft high-demand items and sell them for a profit.
  • Bargaining: Negotiate with other players for better deals on items.

Tip: Use trade chat and forums to find buyers and sellers for your items.

9. Instance Running

Instances are a great source of gear, kinah, and experience:

  • Solo Instances: Complete solo instances for personal rewards.
  • Group Instances: Join groups to tackle more challenging instances with better rewards.
  • Loot Management: Discuss loot distribution with your group to avoid conflicts.

Tip: Learn the mechanics of each instance to maximize your efficiency and rewards.

10. Advanced Tips

  • PvP Dailies and Weeklies: As you progress, consider participating in PvP daily and weekly quests for extra rewards like Radiant/Crusader medals (used for gear or godstones). You can switch between PvE and PvP orders freely to maximize your gains.
  • Shugo Kinah Exchange: In Gelkmaros/Inggison, trade 6 Fortuneer/Daemon tokens for 6 Radiant/Crusader tokens with the Shugo NPC. This allows you to convert PvE tokens into PvP tokens for desired godstones (PvP godstones are generally more valuable).
  • Crafting and Gathering (Long-Term): Learning professions like Alchemy or Handicrafting can be a good source of income after investing time and resources into leveling them. Gather materials while you quest and use them for crafting or sell them raw.

11. Participate in Events

In-game events offer unique rewards and opportunities:

  • Seasonal Events: Participate in seasonal events for exclusive items.
  • Double XP Weekends: Take advantage of double XP events to level up faster.
  • Special Quests: Complete event-specific quests for additional rewards.

Tip: Stay updated on upcoming events through the official Aion Classic website and community channels.

12. Social Interaction

Building relationships with other players enhances your gameplay experience:

  • Join a Legion: Find a legion that matches your playstyle and interests.
  • Help Others: Assist new players and build a reputation as a helpful community member.
  • Communication: Use in-game chat and voice communication tools to stay connected with your group.

Tip: Participate in community events and activities to make new friends and allies.

13. Stay Informed

Keep up with the latest news, updates, and strategies:

  • Official Forums: Follow the official Aion Classic forums for news and discussions.
  • Guides and Tutorials: Watch guides and tutorials to learn advanced techniques.
  • Community Websites: Join community websites and social media groups for tips and updates.

Tip: Regularly check patch notes to stay informed about game changes and new content.

