ESO Gold Farming Guide 2024, Elder Scrolls Online Make Gold Without Guild

7 min readJun 29, 2024


Earning gold in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) is essential for upgrading gear, purchasing items, and enhancing your overall gaming experience. This guide provides effective strategies for gold farming in ESO in 2024.

1. Daily Crafting Writs

Completing daily crafting writs is a steady and reliable way to earn gold. These writs are available for all crafting professions:

  • Alchemy: Craft potions and poisons.
  • Blacksmithing: Create weapons and armor.
  • Clothing: Make light and medium armor.
  • Enchanting: Produce glyphs.
  • Provisioning: Cook food and brew drinks.
  • Woodworking: Craft bows and staves.

Completing these writs grants materials and crafting experience. You can then sell the crafted items or the raw materials themselves. Tip: Maximize your profits by researching traits and leveling up your crafting skills to complete master writs for higher rewards.

2. Public Dungeons and Delves

Public dungeons and delves are great for gold farming due to the high number of enemies and the chance to find valuable loot. Focus on farming these locations:

  • Deshaan: Forgotten Crypts
  • Alik’r Desert: Lost City of the Na-Totambu
  • Bangkorai: Razak’s Wheel

Tip: Equip gear that increases your gold drop rate and always loot everything.

3. Thieving and Legerdemain

Thieving can be a lucrative gold farming method. Steal items from NPCs and containers, and then fence or launder them. Invest in the Legerdemain skill line to improve your efficiency.

  • Gold Coast: Best for stealing due to the dense population and valuable items.
  • Hew’s Bane: Focus on Thieves Guild daily quests for additional rewards.

Tip: Use the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild passives to reduce your bounty and increase your success rate.

4. Farming Overland Sets

Certain overland sets are highly sought after and can be farmed and sold for a profit. Focus on farming zones with valuable sets:

  • Deshaan: Mother’s Sorrow
  • Rivenspire: Necropotence
  • Greenshade: Spinner’s Garments

Tip: Farm during off-peak hours to reduce competition and increase your chances of obtaining the items.

5. Daily and Weekly Quests

Participate in daily and weekly quests, including:

  • Undaunted Pledges: Complete these for valuable rewards.
  • Battlegrounds: Participate in PvP for rewards and loot.
  • Daily Zone Quests: Especially in zones like Murkmire and Clockwork City.

Tip: Join a group or guild to complete these quests more efficiently.

If you prefer not to farm for ESO Gold, you can purchase them here with a 6% discount using the coupon code: vhpg.

6. Crafting and Selling Potions and Food

Craft and sell high-demand potions and food. Focus on popular recipes like:

  • Essence of Spell Power: Major Sorcery, Major Prophecy, and Restore Magicka.
  • Witchmother’s Potent Brew: Max Magicka, Max Health, and Magicka Recovery.

Tip: Check the market demand and adjust your crafting accordingly to maximize profits.

7. Harvesting and Selling Materials

Harvesting materials in high-traffic areas can yield significant profits. Focus on zones with high material density:

  • Wrothgar: High spawn rates for materials.
  • Craglorn: Best for higher-level materials.

Resource Gathering: Gather materials like ores, wood, and herbs in zones with high concentrations. These can be refined and sold directly or used for crafting more valuable items. Tip: Use addons like HarvestMap to track and optimize your harvesting routes.

8. High-Yield Farming:

Infinite Archive: This dungeon rewards “Archival Fortunes” which can be converted into valuable items and gold. Look for guides on efficient farming routes and what to convert the Fortunes into for maximum profit.

9. Participating in Events

Participate in ESO events which often provide lucrative rewards, including event tickets, valuable items, and motifs. Keep an eye on the event calendar and plan accordingly.

Tip: Save event rewards to sell later when their value increases due to scarcity.

10. Trading and Flipping

Guild Traders: Join a trading guild and sell your gathered materials, crafted items, or dungeon loot through their traders. This offers better reach and potentially higher prices than guild stores.

Flipping: Buy items at low prices from guild stores or traders and resell them for a profit. This requires knowledge of current market trends.


Focus on Speed and Efficiency: No matter the method, aim to complete tasks quickly to maximize your gold per hour. This might involve optimizing your gear and skills for speed.

Gold farming in ESO requires a combination of strategies to maximize your earnings. By participating in daily activities, farming valuable sets, and utilizing crafting skills, you can steadily increase your gold reserves. Adapt these methods to your play style and market conditions to achieve the best results. Happy farming!

Essential Tips for Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Players

1. Optimize Your Character Build

Creating an effective character build is crucial for success in ESO. Focus on the following:

  • Skill Points: Distribute skill points wisely across class skills, weapon skills, and armor skills.
  • Attributes: Balance your health, magicka, and stamina based on your playstyle.
  • Gear: Equip gear that complements your build. Use sets that boost your primary attributes and skills.

Tip: Use websites like ESO-Skillfactory or UESP to plan and optimize your build.

2. Join a Guild

Joining a guild provides numerous benefits:

  • Trading: Access to guild stores for buying and selling items.
  • Group Content: Easier to find groups for dungeons, trials, and PvP.
  • Socializing: Engage with other players for tips, advice, and companionship.

Tip: Look for active guilds that align with your interests, whether it’s PvE, PvP, trading, or social activities.

3. Master Crafting

Crafting is an essential aspect of ESO. Focus on leveling up your crafting professions:

  • Alchemy: Create potions and poisons.
  • Blacksmithing, Clothing, Woodworking: Craft and improve gear.
  • Enchanting: Make glyphs to enhance gear.
  • Provisioning: Cook food and brew drinks for buffs.
  • Jewelry Crafting: Create and enhance jewelry.

Tip: Research traits continuously to unlock all crafting options and complete daily crafting writs for materials and gold.

4. Explore and Complete Zone Content

Fully explore each zone to gain valuable rewards:

  • Skyshards: Collect skyshards to gain skill points.
  • Lorebooks: Read lorebooks to level up the Mages Guild skill line.
  • Delves and Public Dungeons: Complete these for achievements and loot.
  • World Bosses and Dolmens: Participate in these events for gear and experience.

Tip: Use the zone guide to track your progress and ensure you complete all activities.

5. Participate in Events

ESO regularly hosts in-game events that offer unique rewards:

  • Anniversary Event: Earn event tickets, motifs, and special rewards.
  • Seasonal Events: Participate in events like the New Life Festival and Witches Festival for themed items and bonuses.
  • PvP Events: Join events like Midyear Mayhem for exclusive PvP rewards.

Tip: Stay updated on the event calendar and participate to earn exclusive and valuable items.

6. Efficient Leveling

Level up efficiently by focusing on high-experience activities:

  • Main Story Quests: Complete these for significant experience boosts.
  • Group Dungeons: Run dungeons with a group for faster leveling.
  • Grinding: Find high-density mob areas and grind for experience.
  • Daily Quests: Complete daily quests for consistent experience and rewards.

Tip: Use experience scrolls or potions to boost your experience gain during these activities.

7. Improve Inventory Management

Managing your inventory efficiently helps you avoid running out of space:

  • Bank and Storage: Use your bank and storage chests to store items.
  • Pack Merchant: Upgrade your inventory space with pack merchants.
  • Craft Bag: ESO Plus members can use the craft bag for unlimited crafting materials storage.

Tip: Regularly deconstruct or sell unnecessary items to keep your inventory clear.

8. Utilize Addons

Addons enhance your gameplay experience by providing useful information and quality-of-life improvements:

  • Minion: Use Minion to manage and update your addons.
  • HarvestMap: Track and manage resource nodes.
  • DPS Meters: Monitor your damage output with addons like Combat Metrics.
  • Inventory Management: Use addons like Advanced Filters for better inventory management.

Tip: Install essential addons to improve your gameplay and streamline your activities.

9. Engage in PvP

PvP in ESO offers unique rewards and an exciting gameplay experience:

  • Cyrodiil: Participate in large-scale battles for alliance points and rewards.
  • Battlegrounds: Engage in smaller, team-based PvP matches.
  • Imperial City: Fight against other players and Daedric forces for valuable loot.

Tip: Join a PvP-focused guild to learn strategies and improve your performance.

10. Stay Informed

Keep up with the latest news, updates, and community tips:

  • Official ESO Website: Check for patch notes and announcements.
  • ESO Forums: Engage with the community for tips and discussions.
  • YouTube and Twitch: Follow content creators for guides and live gameplay.

Tip: Stay active in the community to learn new strategies and stay ahead of the game.

11. For New Players

  • Master the Basics: Learn to weave light and heavy attacks between your abilities to maximize damage or resource regeneration.
  • Explore the Skill Lines: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different skills and weapon types to find your playstyle.
  • Join a Guild: A social guild can offer invaluable help, guidance, and a friendly community.
  • Don’t Forget Food! Food buffs are essential for maximizing stats and survivability.
  • Ditch Low-Level Gear: Don’t get attached to early equipment. Upgrade as you level to maintain effectiveness.
  • Expand Your Inventory: Invest in increasing your bank and inventory space to hold loot and crafting materials.
  • Utilize Mounts: Unlocking mounts lets you travel vast distances much faster, saving time.

12. General Tips

  • Complete Daily Quests: Daily quests offer good rewards and introduce you to different aspects of the game.
  • Deconstruct Unwanted Gear: This levels your crafting skill lines and provides materials for future crafting.
  • Focus on Skill Points: Prioritize quests and activities that reward skill points to unlock more abilities.
  • Explore Public Dungeons & Delves: These offer good loot, XP, and skyshards (skill points).
  • Trial by Fire: Don’t shy away from group dungeons. They provide a fun challenge, good loot, and introduce group mechanics.
  • Research Traits: Researching traits allows you to craft more powerful gear with special effects.
  • Champion Points: Champion Points (unlocked at level 50) offer additional character customization.

