Fallout 76 Caps Farming 2024 Without Glitch

6 min readJun 28, 2024


Earning Caps in Fallout 76 in 2024 is still all about resource management and finding good deals. Here are some tried-and-true farming methods without glitch:

1. Daily and Weekly Challenges

Completing daily and weekly challenges is a consistent way to earn caps. These challenges often include tasks like crafting items, killing specific enemies, or completing events. Make sure to check your Pip-Boy for updated challenges and prioritize them.

Vendor Daily Limit: Each vendor bot has 1400 caps to spend each day. Sell them your unwanted items until they’re tapped out, then server hop and repeat.

Daily Quests: Complete your daily quests for a steady stream of caps and other rewards.

Tip: Focus on completing as many challenges as possible in a single play session to maximize your cap gain.

2. Public Events

Participating in public events is another excellent method for farming caps. Events like “Scorched Earth,” “A Colossal Problem,” and “Radiation Rumble” not only provide valuable loot but also reward you with a decent amount of caps upon completion.

Public Events: Participating in public events is a great way to earn caps and rewards. These events often have legendary enemies that drop valuable loot. Check the map for icons and join up!

Tip: Team up with other players to tackle these events efficiently and share the rewards.

3. Selling Loot to NPC Vendors

Loot everything you can carry and sell it to NPC vendors scattered across Appalachia. Look for high-value items like weapons, armor, and chems. Remember that each vendor has a daily cap limit, so plan your sales accordingly.

Classic Vendor Shuffle: Hit up high-traffic areas with lots of enemies (Morgantown Airport, West Tek Research Center) Clear them out and loot their weapons and armor. These can be sold to train station vendors for a decent amount, especially with perks like Hard Bargain and Grape Mentats active.

Cap Stash Hunting: There are scattered “Cap Stashes” around the map containing pre-war money. Use the Cap Collector perk to boost your take and look up online guides to find the best stash locations.

High-Value Items to Sell:

  • Legendary weapons and armor
  • Stimpaks and RadAway
  • High-level chems (e.g., Buffout, Mentats)

Tip: Visit multiple vendors each day to maximize your cap earnings.

If you prefer not to farm for Fallout 76 Caps, you can purchase them here with a 6% discount using the coupon code: vhpg.

4. Treasure Maps and Buried Treasure

Hunting for treasure maps and digging up buried treasure can yield a significant amount of caps. Treasure maps can be found throughout the world and can lead to hidden stashes containing valuable items and caps.

Tip: Keep an eye out for treasure maps while exploring and make it a habit to dig up any marked spots you come across.

5. Camp Vending Machines

Set up vending machines at your camp to sell items to other players. This is a passive way to earn caps while you’re out adventuring. Stock your machines with valuable items like plans, rare weapons, and high-level chems.

Popular Items to Sell:

  • Plans and recipes
  • Unique or rare weapons
  • High-level armor and mods

Tip: Advertise your vending machine on social media or in-game to attract more buyers.

6. Workshops and Resource Collectors

Claiming and defending workshops can be lucrative. Workshops produce valuable resources that can be sold for caps or used to craft high-value items. Make sure to fortify your workshops to defend them against enemy attacks.

Tip: Regularly collect resources and craft items like ammo and chems to sell for caps.

7. Daily Ops and Expeditions

Participate in Daily Ops and Expeditions for additional cap rewards. These missions offer challenging combat scenarios but can be highly rewarding in terms of caps and rare items.

Tip: Join a team to increase your chances of success and share the loot. Public teams offer bonuses like reduced fast travel costs which can save you caps in the long run.

8. Player Vending & Resource Management:

Player Vendor: Set up a CAMP with a vending machine to sell your wares directly to other players. This can be a great way to offload legendary items or crafted goods.

Smart Scrapping: Instead of selling raw scrap, bulk it up at a tinkerer’s workbench before selling. Bulked scrap sells for much more to vendors.

Food & Drink Sales: Cook up some food and drinks with good buffs and sell them to other players. Chems and consumables can also be profitable. Consumables: Use consumables like Bobbleheads and Magazines that provide temporary buffs to Charisma or Barter to get better deals when selling.

Perk Cards: Invest in perk cards that can boost your caps income like Hard Bargain, Cap Collector, and Pharmacist (for selling chems).

By combining these methods, you can efficiently farm caps in Fallout 76 throughout 2024. Whether you prefer completing challenges, participating in events, or setting up a lucrative vending machine business, there are plenty of ways to ensure your cap stash grows. Happy hunting, and see you in Appalachia!

Fallout 76 Tips Without Glitch 2024

Here are some tips for playing Fallout 76:

1. General Survival:

Pacifist Mode: Enable Pacifist Mode to avoid accidentally initiating PVP conflicts with other players.

Scrounge Everything: Even if you don’t need something right away, grab it! You can scrap most junk for crafting materials.

Cook Your Food: Raw food provides minimal benefits, but cooking unlocks their full potential.

Don’t Buy From Vending Machines (Initially): Their prices can be high early on. Look for player vendors instead, which tend to be cheaper.

Plan your build: Before diving into the game, think about what type of character you want to play. Whether it’s a heavy gunner, stealth sniper, or a melee brawler, planning your build can save you a lot of time and resources. Use online build planners to help you decide on your perks and attributes.

2. Join Public Teams

Public Teams provide bonus XP and other perks. Joining or creating a Public Team can help you level up faster and make certain activities easier.

Join a Casual Team: Teaming up grants bonuses like shared experience and fast travel. You can find teammates through the social menu.

Utilize Public Events: Join public events for XP, loot, and legendary items. They’re a great way to team up with others. Legendary Weapons and Armor: Don’t scrip legendaries right away — check their effects! Some low-level legendaries can be valuable.

3. Optimize Your CAMP

Your CAMP is your home base and can be a crucial part of your survival. Place it near resources, vendors, and high-traffic areas for convenience. Make sure to build defenses like turrets to protect it from raids.

Start Small: You’ll be moving your CAMP a lot early on, so focus on functionality over grandeur.

Prioritize Essential Structures: Build essentials like a bed, stash box, workbench, and water purifier first.

4. Collect and Use Plans

Plans allow you to craft new items and build better structures. Always check vendors and enemies for plans and keep an eye out for them in the world.

5. Farm Daily and Weekly Challenges

Daily and weekly challenges provide valuable rewards like Atom Points, XP, and rare items. Make it a habit to complete these challenges regularly.

6. Stock Up on Supplies

Always keep a good supply of stimpaks, RadAway, and food. Farming or crafting these items can ensure you’re always ready for tough situations.

7. Utilize Power Armor

Power Armor provides significant defensive bonuses and can help you carry more items. Keep a set handy and use it when you expect heavy combat.

8. Trade and Use Vending Machines

Trading with other players and using vending machines can help you get the items you need. Set up your own vending machines at your CAMP to sell excess items.

9. Participate in Events

Public events can be a great source of rare loot and XP. Keep an eye on the map for event notifications and join them whenever possible.

10. Explore and Discover

The world of Fallout 76 is vast and full of secrets. Take your time to explore, find new locations, and complete side quests. You never know what valuable items or lore you might uncover.

11. Manage Your Weight

Inventory management is crucial. Regularly scrap junk and stash items you don’t need. Invest in perks that increase your carry weight or reduce the weight of specific items like ammo or food.

12. Join a Faction

Factions provide unique quests, rewards, and storylines. Joining a faction can also give you access to special vendors and items.

13. Optimize Your Perks

Regularly review and optimize your perk cards based on your current needs and activities. Swap out perks to suit different situations like crafting, combat, or exploration.

Scrap Weapons and Armor: Don’t sell unwanted weapons and armor — scrap them to reclaim crafting materials.

Invest in Perks: Consider perks like “Scrapper” (Intelligence) for better scrap yields and “Super Sucker” (Luck) to collect more crafting materials.

14. Use the Photo Mode

Fallout 76’s Photo Mode is a fun way to capture your adventures. It’s also useful for documenting locations and important finds.

15. Stay Updated with Patches and Events

Bethesda regularly updates Fallout 76 with new content and fixes. Stay informed about these updates to take advantage of new features and improvements.

By following these tips, you can enhance your Fallout 76 experience, making it more enjoyable and efficient. Happy exploring!

