The 5 Most Significant ESG Trends to Watch in 2024

TechTrends Today
3 min readJun 10, 2024

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are set to shape the business landscape more than ever in 2024. With increasing pressure from stakeholders and regulatory bodies, companies must stay ahead of the curve by understanding the emerging trends. Here are the top five ESG trends to watch in 2024 that will define the future of corporate responsibility and sustainable practices.

1. Enhanced Regulatory Scrutiny

In 2024, we will see a tightening of regulatory requirements around ESG reporting. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are setting stricter standards to ensure transparency and accountability. Companies will need to adopt more robust data collection and reporting practices to meet these new standards. According to the World ESG and Climate Summit, 75% of organizations are expected to enhance their ESG reporting practices to comply with evolving regulations by the end of 2024.

2. Climate Risk Management

Climate risk is no longer just an environmental concern — it’s a financial one. Investors and stakeholders are increasingly evaluating companies based on their ability to manage climate risks. Businesses will need to integrate climate risk assessments into their overall risk management strategies. The World ESG and Climate Summit reports that 68% of companies are planning to increase their investment in climate risk mitigation and adaptation strategies in the next year.

3. Social Impact and Diversity

Social factors, including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), are taking center stage in the ESG framework. Companies are under pressure to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility through tangible actions and results. In 2024, we expect to see a rise in DEI initiatives as companies strive to create more inclusive work environments. A recent survey highlighted at the World ESG and Climate Summit indicates that 85% of companies plan to launch or expand DEI programs to attract and retain top talent.

4. Sustainable Supply Chains

Sustainability in supply chains is becoming a critical focus area. Companies are being held accountable not just for their own practices but also for those of their suppliers. Transparent and sustainable supply chains are essential for meeting ESG goals. By 2024, 60% of businesses will require their suppliers to adhere to strict ESG criteria, as reported by the World ESG and Climate Summit. This shift will drive greater collaboration and innovation across industries.

5. Technological Integration

Technology is playing a pivotal role in advancing ESG initiatives. From AI-driven analytics to blockchain for transparent supply chains, technology is enabling more efficient and effective ESG practices. In 2024, we will see an increase in the adoption of advanced technologies to monitor, report, and improve ESG performance. The World ESG and Climate Summit notes that 70% of companies are investing in technology solutions to enhance their ESG capabilities.


2024 is poised to be a defining year for ESG, with significant advancements and increased accountability shaping the future of corporate responsibility. Companies that proactively address these trends will be better positioned to succeed in a rapidly evolving business environment.

Stay informed and ahead of the curve by leveraging the latest insights and strategies in ESG. For more detailed information and statistics, visit the World ESG and Climate Summit.



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