Types of Mathematical Theories

Technology Update News
4 min readNov 8, 2022


There are several types of mathematical theories. There is the Independence Thesis, the Quine-Putnam Indispensability Argument, and the Appropriateness of theories. All of these theories have some merit and some drawbacks. For example, local linearization formula they differ in their level of complexity. However, they all do have common features.

Independence Thesis
The Independence Thesis mathematical theory focuses on the independence of mathematical objects from rational beings. The independence of mathematical objects is essential for a Platonist’s view, and the Independence Thesis is one of the standard ways to enunciate this type of independence. While the Existence Thesis and the Abstractness Thesis have strong positive arguments, it is important to remember that they also commit one to anti-nominalism in the philosophy of mathematics.

The Independence Thesis is a fundamental claim of mathematics, but is less clear than the other two. It is characterized by a gloss, the most notable of which is the counterfactual conditional, which assumes that the mathematical objects would still exist without any intelligent or different agents.

Quine-Putnam Indispensability Argument
Quine and Putnam argue that certain entities are not inherently indispensible, and that they cannot be reduced to one or the other. But this argument is unconvincing, because Quine fails to provide any evidence for his first and second premises. As a result, the argument needs an alternative explanation and a defense.

However, the indispensability argument is an important foundation for mathematical theories, because it provides a firm basis for belief in mathematical objects. Its basic premise is that the indispensability of mathematical objects is justified by the empirical implications of the theory. This is a confirmational holism, but it is unclear why the indispensability of Mathematics to science depends on empirical findings. In addition, the indispensability argument does not entail the existence of larger cardinalities.

The indispensability argument for mathematical theories is a key concept in modern philosophy of mathematics. It is often considered to be the standard formulation of the argument. However, it is possible to construct an indispensibility argument with much weaker claims.

Isomorphism of theories
In mathematics, isomorphism is the property of two objects that are identical in the way they treat each other. It is also used to describe the same property of two objects with different characteristics. In the case of mathematical theories, isomorphism is the property of two objects that preserves addition, scalar multiplication, and inner product. In mathematics, isomorphisms can be used to study the structure of systems.

The concept of isomorphism also applies to other mathematical structures. For example, Peano arithmetic and Induction are both isomorphic. In this case, the first object is a category, and the second is a set.

Appropriateness of theories
Appropriateness of mathematical theories is a central concern in the study of mathematics. Whether a theory is appropriate for a particular domain is dependent on how it addresses the specific needs of the domain. There are two primary categories of theories: borrowed theories and home-grown theories. Borrowed theories are derived from other disciplines and are adapted to meet the needs of mathematics education. Home-grown theories are created by mathematics educators in response to specific domain-specific needs. However, both types of theories face challenges in establishing research methodologies.

Steiner has contributed to the discussion of theories by pointing out the role of theories in mathematics education. He has also proposed a concept of theory, which he called “complementarity.” The complementarity of theories is a guiding principle in the scientific community, and each case should be examined to determine if it is appropriate for the domain in question.

Goals of mathematical theories
A formal mathematical theory is one that attempts to discover general truths. This is in contrast to a mathematical theory that aims to explain specific phenomena. The main goal of a mathematical theory is enrichment of knowledge, whereas its secondary purpose is to facilitate computation. Many mathematical theories have applications that go beyond the area of mathematics in which they were initially discovered. Examples of such applications include the secure transmission of internet communications, and the prime factorization of natural numbers.

Besides acquiring a solid knowledge of the mathematics themselves, students should also have an appreciation for the beauty of mathematics. They should be able to articulate their appreciation of mathematics and its power. Furthermore, they should be able to apply mathematics in different settings. Their skills in problem-solving and creativity should also be developed. Additionally, students should have a good sense of teamwork and leadership.

