React.js Trends in 2024

Tech Virtuoso
4 min readFeb 23, 2024

As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, React stands at the forefront of frontend frameworks, garnering widespread recognition and adoption globally. Looking ahead to 2024, what are the evolving trends shaping React’s trajectory? This article delves into the potential changes in React’s technological landscape, application domains, and community ecosystem, offering valuable insights and reflections.

React 19: A New Era

After over 600 days of hiatus, React announced the upcoming release of React 19 in 2024. This version introduces a groundbreaking new compiler, automating caching within React applications. Manual caching processes, such as those involving functions (useCallback), values (useMemo), and components (memo), may become obsolete as React takes charge of these tasks, eliminating the need for recalculations with every render.

Astro + React: Expanding Horizons

Astro, initially recognized as a formidable competitor to Gatsby for static site generation, has expanded its horizons. With its growing popularity and evolving feature set, Astro now explores the possibilities of web applications and API endpoints. While remaining an ideal choice for high-performance websites, Astro’s compatibility with various component frameworks, including React, enables developers to leverage…



Tech Virtuoso

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