The Cosmic Influence: Unveiling the Astrological Secret Behind Differential Success

Techy Bodhisattva
4 min readAug 4, 2023

As we traverse the dynamic landscape of the tech industry, we often witness the perplexing spectacle of two individuals, armed with similar skills and knowledge, yet achieving disparate levels of success. While some attribute this to fate or luck, could there be a cosmic element subtly influencing these outcomes? In this blog, we shall delve into the relatively uncharted territory where technology and astrology intertwine, an intersection that could potentially unlock the key to this puzzle.

The Divergence in Success: A Brief Overview

It is common knowledge in the tech industry that not all individuals with equivalent skills or talent levels taste the same level of success. While one can claim that this discrepancy may be due to differences in mindset or execution, the question remains: why do some people’s efforts seem to align seamlessly with their intended outcomes, while others falter despite giving it their all?

Our investigation to answer this question led us to an unconventional domain — astrology. By no means am I suggesting that your zodiac sign will determine your ability to code or manage a team, but it might have an impact on how you approach these tasks and your adaptability within different contexts. We found compelling research, some of which is still emerging, that suggests astrological elements might be contributing factors to this success equation.

Astrology and The Growth Mindset

The essence of a growth mindset, as coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, lies in the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, and a love of learning. Astrology, while being an ancient study, echoes this sentiment by emphasizing the importance of personal growth and understanding. The natal chart, a central element in astrology, is a celestial snapshot of the universe at your birth. It speaks volumes about your strengths, weaknesses, and potential paths towards personal development.

Consider the example of Ben, a software engineer who despite having a solid grasp over his technical skills, struggled with communication within his team. Upon exploring his natal chart, he discovered his natal Mercury (the planet of communication) was in a sign known for being reserved and introspective. By understanding this aspect, Ben started working on enhancing his communication skills and gradually transformed into an effective communicator, leading to enhanced team productivity and personal career growth.

Leveraging Astrology for Career Growth

The idea of using astrology for career growth isn’t about aligning stars to reach your goals. It’s more about understanding your inherent characteristics and leveraging them to enhance your capabilities.

Planetary placements in your chart can provide insights into your innate traits. Mars, for instance, rules ambition and drive. A strong Mars placement in your chart could point to your ability to tackle challenges head-on, a trait highly valuable in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

Consider the case of Melissa, a project manager in a tech firm. Melissa found herself stuck in her career, not because she lacked skills, but because she couldn’t effectively assert herself in high-pressure situations. After a careful analysis of her natal chart, she found that her Mars was in Pisces, a sign often associated with a more passive approach. Recognizing this, Melissa consciously started working on her assertiveness, using the unique Pisces trait of empathy to negotiate effectively while maintaining harmonious relationships.

Astrology as a Tool for Team Building

Astrology can also play a role in creating successful teams. Understanding the astrological profiles of team members can promote better communication and collaboration, leading to a more efficient and harmonious work environment.

Take the case of ‘Tech Titans,’ a start-up that harnessed astrology for team-building. By understanding each team member’s astrological makeup, the leadership was able to allocate tasks based on inherent strengths, and also design communication strategies that resonated with every individual. This approach resulted in enhanced team synergy, leading to the rapid growth of the start-up.

The Science behind Astrology and Success

Astrology, often brushed off as pseudoscience, has witnessed a resurgence with researchers exploring its potential validity. A study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, in 2019, found statistical correlations between an individual’s personality traits (measured by the Big Five personality test) and their astrological charts. This lends credibility to astrology’s potential role in shaping our behavior, which in turn can impact our level of success.

Another research by Dr. Jan Ruis, published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, delved into the impact of Sun and Moon signs on marital relationships, providing yet another dimension to how astrology can influence our personal and professional lives.

Unleashing Your Potential with Astrology

While we have only scratched the surface of this fascinating intersection of astrology and success in the tech world, it’s clear that astrology offers a unique perspective that can potentially be harnessed for personal growth and team development.

Remember, astrology isn’t about dictating your destiny. It’s a tool to understand your inherent strengths and weaknesses, and it’s up to you to leverage these insights to maximize your potential. So, the next time you’re wondering why some people are more successful, perhaps it’s worth exploring your natal chart for some cosmic inspiration!



Techy Bodhisattva

Women in Tech | There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish