Annie Harper
23 min readJul 13, 2017

This is dedicated to my three amazing little birds who helped string together our favorite pearls of wisdom and words that strike personal meaning within each of our souls. May we continue to fly high and free everyday, with brave, colorful and strong wings. Mama loves you so much. Okay. Ready for take off? Let's go.

Here’s to anyone who is daring enough to stand out from a flock.

To those who are bold!

Who decides not to get lost in the crowd.

Just when everybody seems to start blending dangerously in, there you come strutting on out.

I have never quite seen anything quite like you.

You are magnificent!

You are definately not the bird next door.

You little rebel, you. You forgot to wear the proper uniform.

I have a feeling, you are not like the others.

The way you wear your plumes! Simply marvelous.

Come. Let me take a closer look.

Your eyes tell a story. I want to read it.

Go ahead. Strut your stuff. Show us what you’ve got.

Dance to the beat of your own drum.

I own too much black..

(said no bird, ever).

Go bold or go home!

You are definately not like the others.

Do it your way. Make your own history, not theirs.

I like your style.

Ignore the hardened glances of others who do not approve.

You were born to stand out.

It does not matter if you don’t look like the others. Not one bit!

Don’t let them ruffle your feathers.

Sing your own tune.

Don’t hide yourself from the world.

Don’t be nervous to show who you were born to be.

Always dress like it’s the best day of your life.

Normal is boring. Don’t y ou agree?

Be unforgettable!

I am aware that I am rare.

I have absolutely no desire to fit in.

Let’s roll!

Be you. The world will adjust.

Normal scares me.

Rock your crown.

Own who you are.

You weren’t born to be a copy.

Be proud of your feathers. Long. Short. Love the colors.

Shake those tail-feathers like you mean it.

Remember. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Someone is just going to love you just as you are.

What if I fall? Darling, but, what if you fly?

Beautiful birds are found all over the world. Look around.

They come in every shape and size.

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

Books ought to be written about you.

Bad feather day? It’s okay.

Come out of the cold.

Put on your sassy pants.

Ignore the opinion of others.

Quit paying attention to Dodo birds.

Mama. You made a masterpiece!

Attitude is everything!

She was beautifully out of place.

She’s an old soul.

Proudly, strut your stuff.

I didn’tch

Find your funky flock.

Wear something that says, here I am today!

Being happy never goes out of style.

Life isn’t perfect, but your outfit can be.

Life is too short to wear boring feathers.

What you wear is your exclamation point. Go ahead, make the statement!

Fashion is art and you are the canvas.

Life is a party. Have fun in it.

Forget the rules. If you like it, wear it.

We are nicer when we are comfortable.

Shake off others expectations of you.

Be the boss!

Never underestimate the power of colorful feathers, especially on a bad day.

Just remember. Feathers can’t change the world. The birds who wear them, however, can.

When in doubt, overdress.

I have enough feathers (said no stylish bird, ever).

Never let anybody treat you like you’re ordinary.

She didn’t just fly on the wild-side. She lived there.

They laughed at her because she was different. She laughed at them because they were all the same.

It is not my fault you mistook me for normal.

I’m going to go ahead and be myself. Try and stop me.

I may be little, but I am fierce!

Choose your friends wisely. Everyone is not always who they claim to be.

You can never be too fluffy, or too fabulous!

Yep! You guessed it. I’m a Free Spirit.

Dad! They called me a black-sheep.

She who is brave, is free.

The littlest birds can often sing the prettiest songs.

Don’t make me walk, when I want to fly.

Some birds just aren’t meant to be caged.

It doesn’t matter if you sing off key, just sing!

Show up wherever you go, like you belong. You do.

Just smile and wave.

Walk away from anyone and anything that brings you down.

Accept yourself exactly as you are, right this very minute.

Don’t shrink who you are for someone else’s comfort.

Self-confidence is the best outfit anyone can try on.

This is YOUR Swan Song. Turn the volume up. Way up!

Okay to have a meltdown, just don’t lie down and waddle in it. Get back up.

Don’t duck from all the fun you could be having.

When you find birds-of-a-feather, keep them together.

Don’t judge the bird from the chapter you just walked in on.

Drama is (not) for the birds.

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

Did you do something different with your feathers today?

When life makes you blue, try a different color.

There are others out there who understand you. Find them!

Don’t compare yourself to others.

Come on. Let those feathers down.

Dance. And, don’t give a hoot who is watching.

You go through the wars, so you can become a warrior.

Let go of anything that weighs you down, so you can feel a new freedom and start to fly!

Let your little light shine.

You are a Phoenix, rising.

Find your spark.

Kindness is the new cool.

Believe in everything, especially yourself.

Put on an attitude that suits you best.

No bird is ever perfect, and okay. Become friends with your flaws.

Spend your time doing wierd things with strange birds.

Never forget to play.

If you don’t want to fly south, go north!

With Brave Wings, She Flies.

Try to love yourself, as much as you’d want someone else to.

Happiest girls aren’t always the prettiest. Sometimes the bird who is feeling the deepest.

This too shall pass. It always does.

There is a princess in all of us.

Take back your power.

Now is always a good time for a change.

Teach others. Lead them, by example.

Fly far enough away from your comfort zone(s), you might just meet yourself.

I think the early birds deserve a better prize. I’m sleeping in.

Haters gonna hate.

Love-birds gonna love.

Love is all we need. The rest is just birdseed.

All of the best flying stories have one thing in common. You have to be brave and go against the odds if you want to get in the air.

Other birds will stare. Make it worth their while.

If you like it, wear it.

Take a chance. Fly on the wild side!

Owning our story and loving ourselves through the process, is the bravest thing you’ll ever do.

Don’t ever apologize for who you are.

You are exactly where you need to be.

It doesn’t matter where you’re going, as long as you’re flying in the right direction.

Not all birds who wander are lost, some are just really curious.

The flight you dread the most, is probably the one you need to take.

If you don’t fly forward, you will always be in the same place.

If it matters, speak up!

The more you love your decisions, the less you’ll need others to love them.

What the rest of the flock thinks of me, is none of my business.

To do: Be completely awesome!

Wherever you fly, becomes a part of you, somehow.

There is no coincidences. Who you fly into, is probably there for a reason.

Be the one who gets up and helps someone. Fly right to their side.

I fly. What’s your super-power?

Old ways open old doors. Do you really want to go through that again?

“Did ya hear the one about the chicken who finally told the world about why she crossed the road? It was simply because she could!”

Keep looking up!

Tell someone how much you love them today.

Who is grateful to God today? Wings in the air!

“Hey, Thelma. No flying off cliffs anymore. Okay?”

Protect your peace.

Wisdom is found even in the quiet. Listen.

Godbless you and may he keep you safe!

You have made an important mark upon this Earth. Keep on, keeping on.

The first step to a great adventure can be scary, but worth the risk.

Yoo-hoo!!! Where did all the fun people go?

Forgive every chance you can.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me another day.

Teach your chicks to love themselves.

It’s better to stand alone, than stand among the negative or critical.

Goal! Good job! You did it! Praise them. Lift every deserving spirit. The world needs more of that.

I wonder about the things that weigh you down. Are they even yours to carry?

Don’t tweet about others.

She’s got that whole purpose driven, save-the-world, warrior-princess vibe.

Speak your mind, even your voices shakes.

If they know you personally, take it personal.

Kind birds are my kinda birds.

You might be too much for some birds. Those are not your birds.

Be the kind of bird, that makes other birds step up their game.

Reward yourself with flowers today.

I don’t do ordinary, not in my nature.

A strong bird gives a challenge dead in the eye, and gives it a wink.

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

Being rejected is simply the act of being re-directed.

If you don’t believe in what what you doing, don’t do it.

The most beautiful ones, are those who can see beauty in places others see none.

Take a break.

Breathe. Everything is okay.

If someone doesn’t appreciate your presence, let them appreciate your absence.

Be the same person both in private and in public.

Be someone’s hope for humanity.

Learn to say “no” without explaining yourself.

If you’re not happy with the direction your life is going, time to open a new flight-plan.

Don’t be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others.

Another bird’s beauty, is not the absence of your own.

Make your songs wild and sweet!

A good flyer is always ready to make a change of plan.

We all need a little help from our friends.

Free as a bird. Never let anyone cage your heart.

Under His Wings,

You will find refuge.

Healing takes time.

Be gentle with yourself.

They come first!

When life gives you crumbs, feed the birds.

Let the colors of your spirit sparkle.

Don’t let the turkeys get you down. No matter what.

Gypsy chicks, unite!

Show your true self.

Little by little. Piece by piece. It all gets done.

Go ahead. Take the plunge! Dive into your dream.

Look for a series of tiny miracles. They are coming!

Sending you lucky vibes!

Tell someone your deepest secret.

I see your true colors.

You should never accept getting pecked apart.

“Hey, Ralph. Is that you?”

A simple “hello” could lead to everything.

Don’t judge by appearances. A colorful heart might be disguised under the plainest of feathers.

Do not quit until you’re proud.

If at first you don’t succeed, fix your feathers and try again.

Prove yourself to yourself, and not others.

If doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

You are enough.

Be happy. It drives other birds crazy.

If you like your branch, move!

Be kinder to yourself, then let your kindness flood the world.

You are a total superstar!

Be a hero.

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

She took a deep breath, and let it go.

Don’t forget to play.

Kindness, matters.

Have you helped someone today?

If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.

No one is you, and that is your super-power.

I am under no obligation to make sense to you.

Take a walk on the wild side.

I am a limited edition.

Don’t judge a bird by it’s feathers.

Tell me who ruffled your feathers! Let me at em’.

We are one.

Nobody likes a bully.

When all else fails, take a nap.

Don’t get your feathers in a wad.

Stay away from birds who make you feel unloved.

Love them unconditionally.

Bad news is that time flies, good news is that you’re the pilot.

Don’t put each other down.

Lift them up!

When in doubt, add glitter.

Be fiercely loyal.

Read the rules before you break them.

Watch her rise!

Ask any bird how they learned to fly, and you will hear a love-story.

Gypsy chicks rule.

Question everything. Even authority.

Ready for take-off.

Be a buddy.

Stay curious!

Sing a song that matters.

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.

Don’t make me walk when I want to fly.

Don’t let the tamed one’s tell you how to live.

Always fly the scenic route.

Wild is her style.

Angry birds are everywhere.


What you tell yourself, you will eventually believe it. Say something inspiring.

You talking to me?

Make time.

I am a lucky bird!

I didn’t come this far, to only come this far.

When life gives you crosswinds, learn to take a break.


This is dedicated to my family and dearest friends. May your wings take you higher than the heavens.