50 Key Points You Should Know About Statistics for Data Science

Nilesh Verma
5 min readAug 21, 2022
Statistics for Data Science | @Credit — Link

Statistics is a critical component of data science.

Without a strong understanding of statistics, it would be difficult to make sense of the data, draw conclusions, and make predictions.

Here are 50 key points you should know about statistics for data science:

1. Statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.

2. A statistic is a single number that summarizes a dataset.

3. The mean is the most common statistic, and it is simply the average of all the values in a dataset.

4. The median is another common statistic, and it is the middle value in a dataset when the values are sorted from smallest to largest.

5. The mode is the most common value in a dataset.

6. The range is the difference between the largest and smallest values in a dataset.

7. The standard deviation is a measure of how spread out the values in a dataset are.

8. Correlation is a measure of how two variables are related to each other.

9. Regression is a statistical technique that can be used to predict the value of one variable based on…



Nilesh Verma

Passionate about Data Science & AI, bringing positive and notable impact on the industry using Artificial Intelligence techniques.