Python for Data Science: A Comprehensive Roadmap

Nilesh Verma
5 min readAug 15, 2022
Python for Data Science

Python has become the most popular programming language for data science, and it’s no surprise why. Python is easy to learn and use, it’s powerful enough to handle complex data science tasks, and it has a huge community of developers who are constantly creating new libraries and tools.

If you’re just getting started with Python, or if you’re looking to brush up on your skills, this Python roadmap for data science is for you. This roadmap covers the essential skills you need to learn, the best resources for learning each skill, and some tips on how to put your skills into practice.

Basic Python

If you’re new to Python, the first thing you need to do is learn the basics. This includes learning how to write basic Python code, how to work with data types and data structures, and how to use the most popular Python libraries for data science.

Here are some resources to get you started:

  • The official Python tutorial: This is the best place to start if you’re brand new to Python. The tutorial will take you through the basics of Python programming, and it’s written in a clear and concise style.
  • Learn Python the Hard Way: This popular book is a great way to learn Python if you’re already familiar with another programming language. It’s…



Nilesh Verma

Passionate about Data Science & AI, bringing positive and notable impact on the industry using Artificial Intelligence techniques.