100 Days of Code: Day 1

Tish H.
3 min readJun 8, 2022


Today is the day I begin my journey of completing this challenge #100daysofcode in Python.

I am following Dr Angela Yu’s bootcamp programme of 100 days of code using the Python programming language. I have signed the pledge form and I cant wait to develop my skills even more.

You can find a link to my GitHub repository and follow my journey at the end of this article.

*100daysofcode Link: https://tidd.ly/3GNwiIt

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash


  • GitHub — if you haven’t, create a GitHub account so you can create a repository and make regular commits to your projects.
  • IDE — I will be using VSCode, I am familiar with this environment for coding and its free, lightweight and easy to use.
  • Python — make sure you have the latest version of Python installed, download here.

Exercises & Concepts Learnt

Below are a few of the concepts learnt in Day1 of the course and exercises to practice those concepts.

printing strings
printing strings with user inputs

💡 Tip: How to run Python scripts on the terminal in VSCode?

  1. Open terminal
  2. Navigate to the directory (folder) where the .py file is in (learn basic directory commands here)
  3. Type python3 + tab until the filename of the script you want run appears.
  4. Hit enter on your keyboard and the script should start


Each day there is a quiz at the end but before you tackle the project. This will help test the concepts you’ve learnt and try to get you to think outside of the box.

Day 1 | Project “Band Name Generator”


So the Python programme to be built is essentially a name generator based on user inputs. Using the concepts learnt in Day1, the programme will make use of print statement, inputs, variables. Below you can see how the task is laid out.

how it looks on the terminal

Check out my GitHub repository for the exercises, concepts & project solution from Day1. This also shows you my failed attempts in my commit history.

*Please note the link provided to the 100daysofcode bootcamp course is affiliated. I will receive a small % from each purchase.

