The Role Of QA In SDLC

Teclado Technologies
2 min readSep 26, 2023


QA in SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) refers to Quality Assurance practices and processes integrated into each stage of software development to ensure that the final product meets predefined quality standards and requirements.

QA plays a vital role in the SDLC by identifying and preventing defects and issues early in the development process, thereby reducing the cost and effort required to fix them later. Here’s a breakdown of QA in the SDLC.

1. Requirements/Analysis Phase

Review and Validation: QA begins by reviewing and validating the project requirements. This ensures that the requirements are clear, complete, and aligned with the project’s goals.

2. Design Phase

Design Review: QA teams participate in design reviews to ensure that the system’s architecture and design are feasible, scalable, and aligned with quality goals.

3. Build/Development Phase

Code Review: QA engineers review the source code to identify coding standards violations, logical errors, and potential security vulnerabilities.

Unit Testing: Developers perform unit tests on individual components of the software to verify that they function correctly.

4. Testing Phase

Functional Testing: QA teams execute functional tests to verify that the software meets the specified functional requirements.

Non-functional Testing: This includes performance testing, security testing, usability testing, and other tests to ensure that the software meets non-functional requirements like speed, security, and user-friendliness.

Integration Testing: QA engineers conduct integration tests to ensure that different components of the software work together as intended.

Regression Testing: After fixing defects found in earlier testing phases, regression testing is performed to ensure that new changes haven’t introduced new issues.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Users or client representatives validate that the software meets their needs and expectations.

Defect Tracking: QA teams document and track defects, ensuring that they are resolved before release.

5. Deployment/Deliver Phase

Deployment Validation: QA ensures that the software is deployed correctly in the production environment, and post-deployment testing is conducted to verify that it works as expected.

6. Maintenance Phase
Ongoing QA: Even after deployment, QA activities continue to monitor the software’s performance, address new issues, and make improvements.

Continuous Improvement: QA teams focus on continually improving development processes and practices to prevent issues from recurring.

Overall, QA in SDLC is a proactive approach to quality management. It involves a combination of manual and automated testing, reviews, audits, and best practices to ensure that the final software product is of high quality, reliable, secure, and aligned with customer expectations.



Teclado Technologies

We are an IT Services organisation based in South Africa. We specialose in the construction and execution of leading QA and Testing Services.