The power of Sharing Economy in the middle of doom and gloom of Oil Price.

The 4th industrial revolution is about to take off!

Teddy Lesmana
3 min readJan 25, 2016

— Someone In Brooklyn Built An Igloo In The Blizzard, Then Listed It On Airbnb

— Enterprising New Yorker builds igloo during blizzard, lists it on Airbnb

As mentioned on the headline news and the listing of Airbnb, This “Boutique Winter Igloo” has been built by a guy in Brooklyn, New York City during the recent city-wide blizzard, which was listed as available for $200 a night.

This phenomenon suddenly becomes a headlines on internet search and social media nowadays. If you search on google, it shows on the top search within airbnb listing website. Believe it or not, the power of sharing economy is so powerful such that it could empower people to be a micro-entrepreneur overnight.

There is no doubt that Sharing Economy would be one of the answers for the 2016 world economy that has been predicted by many analysts. For instance, just like this guy in Brooklyn can share his space that he built overnight within seconds through the power of internet and sharing platforms.

Can you imagine if every one of us could do the same? I am pretty sure that there would be no more joblessness, low productivity, and inequality.

The unemployment rate will absolutely go down within less than a year or two. This means the world economic growth will increase exponentially. By the end of the day, this leads to the abundance and prosperity of human life. The time when people do not have to worry about money, food, jobs & security, etc. The era when communication will be seamlessly natural and free of charge for everyone living in the planet earth. The sharing economy is just one of the big ideas.

Many analysts also predicted that the 4th industrial revolution is about to take off as quotes on the 2016 world economic forum on 20–23 January 2016 at Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.

The bottom line is “Are you ready for a better world? Are you ready to open to new ideas that soon will emerge itself in the form of the 4th industrial revolution?” For me personally, I am so excited to see the world transforms into a better place soon.

— How about you? —

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Teddy Lesmana

Hi! I’m very passionate Engineer about writing, reading, teaching, tech, sharing economy, sales, food, travel, business&marketing.