💰Bitcoin dashboard on CLI

Teddy Lun
2 min readNov 22, 2017


source: https://dribbble.com/shots/3787470-Newbank-Bitcoin-modal-iOS-11

As an Engineer, Terminal is my best friend and I used it even more than my iPhone. Bitcoin should be the hot topic no matter you are developer or financial consultant. Therefore, I just tried to make a dashboard to display some Bitcoin data on top of the command line tool with Node.js and created my very first Node module — COINBOARD.

Screenshot of Coinboard: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddylun/coinboard/master/src/common/images/screenshot.png

You can install it globally at your terminal with npm

$ npm install -g coinboard

and make sure that node version ≥ 8 because I coded with the fancy ES6 syntax for this module. You can check the node version by

$ node -v

and use the dashboard by

$ coinboard

Welcome to pull request or raise issue(s) on the repository: https://github.com/teddylun/coinboard

COINBOARD are separated into two parts to visualize the variations at the current version:

Coins chart: Display the specified bitcoin data with chart format

Since we print the specific bitcoin on chart, there are some options to query with Cryptocompare APIs. For example:

# GET Ethereum data with HKD from past 40 days
$ coinboard --coin ETH --currency HKD --days 40

Default value and type of parameters for chart:

# coin<string>: BTC 
# currency<string>: USD
# days<integer>: 30 (90 > days > 0)

Coins ranking: Display the specified bitcoin data with table format

Since querying the Bitcoins on table format, we are using Coinmarketcap APIs to get the rankings and the changes in difference unit like 24 hours, 1 hour or even 7 days. We can also have the market capitalization in USD at the table.

# GET 10 bitcoin records with USD and start from rank 3 
# Specific the starting rank and limit the number of coins to show
$ coinboard --currency USD --rank 3 --limit 10

Default value and type of parameters for table:

# coin<string>: BTC
# currency<string>: USD
# rank<integer>: 0
# limit<integer>: 5

Please ⭐ the repo if you think this is useful for you 🙏🏻 and plenty of awesome features like displaying the detailed info for selected coins, enable/disable part of the dashboard…are coming up. Don’t forgot to claps 👏 down below and leave me any comments about this article.

COINBOARD npm page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/coinboard

Thank you for your time. 😄



Teddy Lun

Software Engineer | designer | hacker | life time student — Fueled by coffee.