National Voter Registration Day

Commissioner Ted Terry
2 min readSep 24, 2019


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Today is National Voter Registration Day. As a country, our voter turnout was around 60% in the previous presidential election, but there are millions of Americans still unregistered to vote. That’s why today, there are events all over the country seeking to register new voters and give people a voice in our democratic process. However, these registration efforts cannot address the systemic barriers put in place by federal and state law. Specifically, we can start to break down those barriers through:

Automatic Voter Registration

We should not make this complicated. National Voter Registration Day doesn’t need to exist. We need to shift from an opt-in system to an opt-out system. Any interaction with the government can essentially be an opportunity for an update to our voter rolls and automatic voter registration. States that have implemented this system have seen dramatic increases in registered voters. This should be mandated nationwide.

Restrictions on Voter Purges

Here in Georgia we saw widespread efforts to purge voters from the rolls through methods like the “exact match” system. In fact, this exact match law was largely eliminated here in Georgia, and the same should be done for similar laws across the country.

Independent Redistricting Commissions

For too long the elected officials have been able to choose their own voters by drawing the lines of their own districts. This must come to an end. Gerrymandering has caused an imbalance in our system, and with the census coming up in 2020, we should remove the ability for the politicians to draw their own lines. Independent redistricting commissions allow for a balanced process that gives the power back to the people.

Election Day as a Holiday

Election Day on a workday creates problems especially for working-class voters and those without the ability to take time off to go vote. An early voting location open for two weeks in an inconvenient location open only during the work day does nothing to increase the turnout among those that cannot take off work anyways. This is why we made Election Day a city holiday in Clarkston and for the same reasons we should make Election Day a federal holiday.

We have a petition going on right now to show support for making Election Day a holiday. You can add your name to the list right here and tell everyone in Washington that it’s time to break down this barrier to having their voice heard.



Commissioner Ted Terry

Official Medium of DeKalb County Super District 6 Commissioner Ted Terry. New Energy. New ideas. Moving DeKalb Forward.