PinnedRecap of the Beyond Growth ConferenceA historic European Parliament-hosted event just took place, asking how to let go of economic growth and forge a path beyond it. Here’s a…May 21, 20236May 21, 20236
Scientific Consensus on Post-Growth over Green GrowthAccording to new research, a scientific consensus is forming for a new economic paradigm that looks beyond growth. This post presents proof…Sep 29, 20232Sep 29, 20232
My experience of doing a PhD abroadDoctor of Philosophy in Ecological Economics. From Finland to Australia and back. Through bushfires and a pandemic.Nov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
Capturing galaxies with a DSLRFrom photos of the night sky to cosmic reflections about the history and future of planet Earth.Jul 25, 20211Jul 25, 20211