My biggest lesson :Commitment is an Act, Not a word!

Every story comes with a lesson so is mine. My story is about a specific lesson I learned after joining the fellowship named Amal-Career-Prep fellowship from Amal Academy. Actually the word itself “Amal” meaning “Act” is my lesson. I believe if I can remember this one word which seems very casual and short but carries a lot of depth and strength and a very strong lesson.

Tehmina Younis
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

There are so many lessons which I have learned but my most favorite lessons are mostly those which we experience instead of just having the definition of them.

So, my most favorite lesson I experienced in every session was commitment.Though I was very low on fulfilling my commitments but I observed my mentors and most of my fellows were amazingly able to manage those.That’s my biggest lesson and inspiration is | To fulfill your commitments.”

My Biggest Learning

And I believe to be a committed person you have to act. So, Amal is very much related towards commitments. To summarize in few words, my biggest learning is : To act for what I commit!

Why Commitment is Important?

This learning is very important to me because I think every other leaning,achievement,success whatever you want to name it is dependent on how much committed you are. Commitment should be the base of every decision.

Perhaps most important is commitment. There will be many obstacles on the path to accomplishing a worthwhile goal. When those obstacles appear it’s really easy to lose the belief and thus the motivation to continue on the same path.

Without commitment the success we’re looking for will elude us no matter how many books we read or how much money we spend on courses.

Future aspect of my learning

I used to be very bad at fulfilling my commitments, I’m still working on it but somehow I have improved and God willing I will be more improved. That’s my future agenda and the best part is I use to practice it daily. Though many times I fail, but I’m eager to work for this.

