How Do We Do Web Scraping | Step By Step Guide 2023

Brandon King
12 min readSep 21, 2023


Essential Techniques and Tips

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting unstructured data from websites and converting it into a structured format, such as a spreadsheet or database. This technique is increasingly popular as businesses and researchers need to collect and process large amounts of data from various sources to make informed decisions. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of web scraping, discuss the necessary prerequisites, and understand some practical aspects of diving into this powerful data-gathering tool.

Before we delve deeper, it is crucial to clarify the key steps to web scraping. Typically, web scraping involves making an HTTP request to a server, followed by extracting and parsing the website’s HTML code. Once the relevant data is identified, it is saved locally in a structured format. As with any data-driven activities, handling data in web scraping follows best practices for data management and storage, addressing challenges like data complexity, privacy, and legal and ethical concerns.

Key Takeaways

  • Web scraping extracts unstructured data from websites and converts it into a structured format for further analysis.
  • The process involves making an HTTP request, parsing the HTML code, and saving the relevant data locally.
  • Web scraping presents challenges such as data complexity, privacy, and ethical considerations.

Understanding Web Scraping

Web scraping, also known as data scraping, is a technique used to collect content and data from the internet. The collected data is typically saved in a local file, allowing it to be manipulated and analyzed as needed. Web scraping can be compared to copying and pasting content from a website into an Excel spreadsheet on a larger scale.

The process of web scraping usually involves three steps. The first step is sending a GET request to the server, which results in receiving a response in the form of web content. Next, the HTML code of a website is parsed following a tree structure path. Finally, a programming language, such as Python, is used to search for the parse tree. This allows for the extraction of specific data and information from the website.

Web scraping is commonly used to collect various types of information, such as contact data, email addresses, telephone numbers, individual search terms, or URLs. It can be employed for various purposes like data analysis, research, or even competitive analysis. Web scraping tools and libraries, such as Beautiful Soup and Scrapy in Python, aid in automating the process and making it more efficient.

It is essential to note that web scraping should be conducted responsibly and ethically. Always consider the website’s terms of service, robots.txt rules, and any potential legal concerns before scraping any data. Moreover, excessive web scraping may result in overwhelming a website’s server, causing potential harm and downtime.

In summary, understanding the fundamentals of web scraping is beneficial for those seeking to gather information from websites and utilize it for various purposes. By following the process and ensuring ethical practices, web scraping can lead to valuable insights and support data-driven decision-making.

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Prerequisites for Web Scraping

Before diving into web scraping, it’s crucial to understand some basics and gather the necessary tools for a smooth process. In this section, we’ll discuss the essential prerequisites to prepare for successful web scraping.

Firstly, it’s crucial to choose a suitable programming language for web scraping. Python is a popular choice due to its readability, flexibility, and a vast array of libraries, such as BeautifulSoup and Scrapy, that make web scraping straightforward. Other options include JavaScript with packages like Puppeteer, and languages like Java or Ruby.

Next, you should familiarize yourself with HTML and CSS. A strong grasp of how these languages structure and style content on websites enables efficient extraction of data. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) allows for easier navigation and extraction of HTML elements. You may also want to explore XPath or CSS selectors to refine your scraping techniques further.

Once equipped with programming and web languages, it’s essential to identify the websites and data sources for scraping. Keep in mind that some sites have terms of service or enforce limitations to prevent automated data extraction. Make sure to respect these rules and consider using APIs, if available, to access structured data through legal avenues.

It’s also vital to exercise caution and ethical conduct when performing web scraping. Be mindful of the site traffic you create, as excessive requests may burden a site’s server or infringe on the owner’s usage limits. Always include pauses between requests and identify yourself by setting a custom User-Agent with your contact information, in case issues arise.

Lastly, proper data storage and management are crucial for handling the information you gather. Depending on the project’s needs, you may save data in formats like CSV, Excel files, or JSON. Mastering the appropriate tools, such as Python’s panda's library or JavaScript’s JSON manipulation functions, ensures efficient data storage and retrieval for analysis.

By fulfilling these prerequisites, you’ll be well-equipped to perform web scraping effectively and responsibly, while obtaining essential data for various applications.

Diving into Web Scraping

How Do We Do Web Scraping?

Choosing the Right Tools

Web scraping requires the use of specific tools and programming languages. Python is a popular language for web scraping due to its readability, ease of use, and available libraries such as BeautifulSoup and Scrapy. Choosing the right library for your project is essential, as it will determine how efficiently and accurately you can extract information from a webpage.

BeautifulSoup, for instance, is ideal for beginners and small-scale projects. It is easy to learn and can be combined with the requests library to send HTTP requests and fetch webpage content. Scrapy, on the other hand, is a more advanced web scraping framework, suitable for large-scale projects, offering a wide range of features like parallel requests and an in-built system to store and process data.

Learning About APIs and HTML

Before diving into web scraping, it’s essential to understand APIs and HTML as they play crucial roles in obtaining data from websites. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of communication rules between two software systems, allowing developers to extract data from a website programmatically. Many websites provide API access, making it easier to obtain the data you need. However, not every website has an API available, or it may have limitations that prevent you from getting the desired data.

In cases where APIs are unavailable or insufficient, understanding HTML becomes essential. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard language used to structure websites. By parsing the HTML code of a webpage, you can extract the required data by navigating through its tree structure. Web scraping libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy make it easier to parse the HTML content and extract the relevant data.

Understanding APIs and HTML is crucial when diving into web scraping. It will allow you to determine whether you should use an existing API or extract data directly from the HTML content, selecting the best tools for your purposes. As you gain experience and knowledge in web scraping, you’ll become more efficient and accurate in collecting and analyzing data from various websites.

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Steps to Web Scraping

Identifying the URL

The first step in web scraping is to identify the target URL. This involves finding the webpage from which you would like to extract data. A user must ensure that they have the proper access and permission to collect data from the desired website to avoid any potential legal issues.

Inspecting the Page

Once the target URL has been identified, the next step is to inspect the webpage’s structure. This involves examining the underlying HTML code, identifying relevant tags, and determining the data’s placement within the code. By right-clicking on the specific data within the page and selecting “Inspect,” a user can visualize the corresponding HTML elements and use this information in the subsequent steps.

Writing the Code

After examining the web page’s structure, it’s time to write the code to extract the desired data. There are several programming languages and libraries available for web scraping, such as Python with libraries like Beautiful Soup and Scrapy. In this step, a user writes the code to make HTTP requests to the server, parses the website’s code, and extracts relevant data based on the identified HTML elements.

Running the Code

Once the code is complete, the final step is to run it. This allows the web scraping tool to connect with the target website, parse the HTML code, and extract the desired data. In most cases, the extracted data is saved locally in a structured format, such as CSV, JSON, or Excel, depending on the user’s preference. This data can then be further analyzed or used according to the user’s specific needs.

Handling Data

When working with web scraping, handling the extracted data is a crucial step in the process. This section will discuss how to properly store and clean the extracted data to ensure its reliability and usability.

Extracted Data Storage

After scraping data from a webpage, it is vital to store the extracted information in a structured format. There are several ways to do this, including:

  • CSV files: Comma-separated values (CSV) files are a popular choice for data storage, as they can be easily exported and opened in spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.
  • JSON files: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write. Storing data in JSON files allows for better structuring and readability.
  • Databases: For larger-scale projects, storing the scraped data in databases (such as SQL or NoSQL) could be more efficient. Databases offer robust organization and querying options, making data retrieval more accessible.

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Data Cleaning

Once data has been stored, the next step is to clean and process it so that it becomes more useful and reliable. Data cleaning typically involves the following tasks:

  • Removing duplicates: Duplicate entries may appear in the scraped data, so it’s essential to identify and remove them.
  • Handling missing values: Web pages may have inconsistencies, and data may not always be available due to server errors or incomplete records. It’s essential to deal with missing values by either removing the incomplete record or using techniques like interpolation or data imputation.
  • Formatting: Data formatting ensures that the data is presented in a consistent way, making it easier to analyze and interpret. For example, converting all dates to a specific format, converting currency values into a consistent unit, and modifying text strings to be consistently capitalized are all examples of data formatting.

By paying careful attention to data storage and cleaning, web scraping projects will produce reliable, accurate, and usable information for further analysis or use.

Challenges in Web Scraping

Dealing with Complex Web Pages

Web scraping can be challenging due to the complexity of some web pages. Websites often contain nested HTML structures that make it difficult to pinpoint specific elements for data extraction. Furthermore, web page formatting can change frequently, leading to a need for constant updates to web scraping scripts.

To address these challenges, web scrapers must be able to navigate complex HTML structures using libraries like Beautiful Soup, which allows for easy traversal of HTML tree structures. Additionally, employing a combination of CSS selectors and XPath expressions can help in targeting specific elements more accurately.

Handling JavaScript in Web Pages

Web pages that rely heavily on JavaScript can pose significant challenges for web scrapers. JavaScript often loads or modifies content on a page dynamically, making it difficult for web scrapers that only extract static HTML.

In order to handle JavaScript-heavy web pages, web scrapers need to use tools that can load and render JavaScript, such as headless browsers like Playwright or Puppeteer. These tools mimic the behavior of real browsers, allowing the scraper to access and extract data from dynamic web pages.

It’s also important for web scrapers to block unnecessary resources that consume bandwidth, such as images or videos, to optimize performance. To achieve this, use methods like blocking resources in Playwright or other headless browsers.

Ethical Considerations in Web Scraping

Web scraping is a powerful tool for extracting information from the internet. However, it is crucial to consider the ethical aspects of web scraping to ensure responsible and respectful data collection. This section will discuss several key ethical considerations in web scraping.

Firstly, respect website owners’ wishes. Always check the website’s robots.txt file to understand which sections the website owner allows or disallows for scraping. Complying with robots.txt this ensures that you respect the website owner's boundaries and do not harm their server or website performance.

Another essential ethical consideration is to be gentle with the server. Aggressive scraping may lead to functionality issues, negatively impacting the user experience for others. To avoid potential problems, limit the rate of requests and perform web scraping during off-peak hours when server traffic is low. This practice demonstrates respect for the server and other users accessing the site.

Additionally, ensure data privacy. When handling personal or sensitive data, take necessary precautions to protect the privacy of the individuals it concerns. Avoid collecting personally identifiable information (PII) whenever possible, and if PII collection is necessary, securely store and handle this data to prevent unauthorized access or misuse.

Finally, use API access when available. Instead of directly scraping the data from web pages, consider using an Application Programming Interface (API) provided by the website. API access allows for more advanced automation, typically comes with documentation, and adheres to the website owner’s preferred method of data extraction.

By following these ethical considerations in web scraping, data collectors can ensure responsible and respectful practices, maintaining a positive reputation in the industry and contributing to efficient information exchange between web users and providers.

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Web scraping is a powerful technique for extracting data from websites, enabling users to collect, analyze, and manipulate information for a wide range of purposes. As a method that automates the collection process, it significantly streamlines data gathering and can provide valuable insights for personal and professional projects.

However, web scraping comes with its share of challenges and responsibilities. Legal and ethical considerations are crucial for any aspiring web scraper, as violations can lead to penalties and damaged reputations. Ensuring compliance with websites’ terms of service and obtaining permission when required can help maintain a responsible and respectful scraping approach.

In the technical aspect, developing an efficient and sustainable web scraping strategy requires a strong understanding of programming languages, HTML structures, and parsing techniques. There are various libraries and tools available to assist with this process, but one must stay adaptable, especially when websites update their structures and layouts.

In sum, web scraping can be a highly effective method for gathering and processing data from the internet. By following best practices and guidelines, one can harness its full potential, unlock new opportunities, and support various personal and professional objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most popular tools for web scraping?

There are numerous web scraping tools available, each offering a different set of features and capabilities. Some of the most popular tools include Octoparse, ParseHub, Beautiful Soup, and Scrapy. These solutions range from user-friendly software to Python libraries, catering to various experience levels and project requirements.

What are the steps involved in web scraping?

Web scraping typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the target website and data to be extracted.
  2. Send an HTTP request to the website’s server.
  3. Receive and parse the HTML source code.
  4. Extract the desired data using specific tags and attributes.
  5. Save or process the extracted data in a structured format (e.g., CSV, JSON).

Each project may require customizations or adaptations to these steps, depending on the target website’s structure and the desired information.

Can web scraping be done with Python libraries?

Yes, web scraping can be performed using various Python libraries like Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, and Selenium. Beautiful Soup and Scrapy are popular choices for working with static HTML pages, while Selenium allows users to interact with websites that employ JavaScript to display content dynamically.

How can web scraping be done using web browser extensions?

Web browser extensions like Web Scraper and Data Miner enable users to extract information from websites without programming knowledge. These extensions usually come with a point-and-click interface, allowing users to select specific elements on a webpage. The extracted data can then be saved to a local file in a structured format like CSV or JSON.

Is it legal to scrape websites?

Web scraping’s legality depends on factors such as the targeted website, the data being scraped, and the potential use of the extracted information. To ensure compliance with a website’s terms of service, it’s advisable to review their guidelines and obtain permission beforehand. Some websites may also utilize tools like CAPTCHA or rate limiting to deter web scraping.

How can one prevent their website from being scraped?

To protect a website from being scraped, website owners can employ various strategies, such as rate limiting, utilizing CAPTCHA challenges, and monitoring user agents or IP addresses for suspicious behavior. Additionally, they can use complex JavaScript or AJAX to make content harder to access for scraping scripts. However, it’s essential to ensure that such measures do not compromise the website’s usability for its intended audience.

