It all started with a sentence: My journey to become a content writer

A magical sentence that made me a professional writer

Tehreem Khursheed
2 min readMay 25, 2024
Source / Unsplash

When I was in 4th grade, I had to write 5 sentence essay on “My Teacher” in my native language, Urdu.

And being a dedicated student, I wrote the exact lines they taught me in class. But, suddenly, I forgot the last sentence of the essay.

I was nervous and scared. I had not written even one sentence on my own in my entire life before that day.

I tried to revise the entire essay multiple times in my head, but the last sentence just vanished from the screen of my mind.

So, I had no option other than to write the last sentence on my own. And naturally, I was terrified. I thought I would not be able to write anything other than what my teachers had taught me.

Still, I tried to write a sentence. I erased it multiple times to make it better and finally submitted the paper to my teacher.

When I got the result, my teacher gave me an extra star on that sentence because it was well-made and new. I did not copy it from my class notebook, unlike other students.

And that sentence was, “Teacher is like a ladder that takes us to the sky of success.”

Coming from an ordinary 4th-grade girl, it was huge at that time. And that sentence shaped my entire journey, like a butterfly effect phenomenon.

It made me confident that I can think and write on my own. My sentences can be correct. My thoughts can be appreciated.

At every stage, I wrote tons of things- poetry, essays, stories, and whatnot.

And now, here I am, transformed that passion of writing into my profession. Self-doubts, mistakes, downfalls, writer’s block, I faced everything, just like most of us.

People say there is nothing like a eureka moment. I partially agree with that. You can only identify your eureka moment when you try different things and spend time to find your passion. When you look back after 10–20 years, you will be able to identify the elements that made you what you are today.


See you next week!

I am a professional SEO content writer who talks about writing tips, SEO, researching techniques, and productivity on Medium.

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Tehreem Khursheed

Content Writer | I talk about writing tips, SEO, researching techniques and productivity.