What is the main difference between NSURLSession and NSURLConnection ?

Tejal Chaudhari
1 min readOct 12, 2021
  • While using NSURLConnection , when App goes into background mode or not running mode , everything we have receive and sent were lost.
  • NSURLSession API gives you the ability to perform background download when the app is not running or app is suspended or in background.
  • The NSURLSession API provides support for download tasks that behave much like the NSURLDownload class.
  • NSURLSession object, you provide a reusable configuration object that encapsulates many common configuration options. With NSURLConnection, you must set those options on each connection independently.
  • An NSURLConnection object handles a single request and any follow-on requests. An NSURLSession object manages multiple tasks, each of which represents a single URL request and any follow-on requests.
  • With NSURLConnection, each connection object has a separate delegate. With NSURLSession, the delegate is shared across all tasks within a session. If you need to use a different delegate, you must create a new session.



Tejal Chaudhari

Enthusiastic iOS Engineer I write about Swift UI, Swift programming language and iOS development.....