Unleashing My Web Development Journey: Oasis Infobyte Internship Experience

K Tejas Prabhu
4 min readSep 10, 2023

An internship is important because it can present you with new skills and opportunities that you may not receive otherwise. While classroom learning is important, internships allow you to apply what you learned in a practical setting. This helps prepare you for tasks you may complete once you begin your career.

I ‘ve had the privilege of interning with Oasis Infobyte, an experience that has been both enlightening and exhilarating. In this blog post, I’ll take you through my internship experience and the exciting projects I had the opportunity to work on.

During this Web Development Internship, we had three levels of tasks, and we were required to complete any one of them to successfully complete the internship. completion & certification from Oasis Infobyte:-

I’m glad that I’ve successfully completed Level 2 tasks.

My journey as a Web Development Intern

1. The Calculator App

My journey began with my first task to build an calculator by harnessing power of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This project involves designing an interactive interface for basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. In HTML, we structure the calculator layout, including a display screen to show user inputs and results. CSS comes into play for styling, ensuring that the calculator looks user-friendly and visually appealing.JavaScript provides the functionality, making the calculator responsive to user input. It handles arithmetic operations and updates the display in real-time. Error handling ensures precision, making it a reliable tool for calculations.

This project is live at: Calculator (tejasprabhu21.github.io)

GitHub repository: TejasPrabhu21/oibsip_level2_task1 (github.com)


2. The Tribute Page

My second task during the Oasis Infobyte Web Development Internship: the Tribute Page dedicated to the legendary Ratan Tata.

In this project, I’ve channeled my admiration for Mr. Tata’s remarkable contributions and visionary leadership into a web page that pays homage to his life and achievements. It’s a tribute to his indomitable spirit and commitment to making the world a better place.

The Tribute Page features a thoughtfully designed layout, showcasing Mr. Tata’s inspiring journey, his impact on various industries, and his philanthropic endeavors. It’s a testament to the power of web development in conveying the legacy of inspirational figures.

This project is live at: Ratan Tata | Tribute Page (tejasprabhu21.github.io)

GitHub repository: TejasPrabhu21/oibsip_level2_task2 (github.com)


3. The To-Do List App

Task 3 was all about organization. I created a To-Do List App with features like task editing, deletion, and local storage. This project was a lesson in user experience and functionality. It’s incredible how something as simple as a to-do list can become a valuable tool with the right design and functionality.

Key Features:

  • Add Tasks: Easily input tasks to stay organized.
  • Edit Tasks: Update task details on the go.
  • Delete Tasks: Remove completed or unnecessary tasks.
  • Mark Completed: Track your progress with task completion.
  • Local Storage: Your tasks remain intact even when you refresh the page!

GitHub repository: TejasPrabhu21/oibsip_level2_task3 (github.com)


4. The Sign-Up and Login Page

My fourth and final task during the Oasis Infobyte Web Development Internship: a robust Sign-Up and Login Page with local storage for user data and advanced password encryption. Additionally, the application features a secured page accessible exclusively to logged-in users.

Key Features:

  • User Registration: Seamlessly create an account with a secure sign-up form.
  • Advanced Password Encryption: Your data is safeguarded with cutting-edge encryption techniques.
  • User Authentication: Log in securely to access your account.
  • Secured Page: Exclusive access to a protected area, ensuring data privacy.
  • Local Storage: User data is stored locally, providing a seamless experience even after refreshing the page.

This project represents the culmination of my learning journey during this incredible opportunity with Oasis Infobyte, where I’ve acquired valuable skills in web development and data security.

GitHub repository: TejasPrabhu21/oibsip_level2_task4 (github.com)



In conclusion, my Oasis Infobyte internship has been a transformative experience. I’ve not only expanded my technical abilities but also gained insights into the world of web development, its challenges, and its potential for innovation. Each project I completed added to my portfolio and enriched my skill set, making me a more confident and capable web developer.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Oasis Infobyte for providing me with this invaluable experience and the chance to develop such amazing applications.

Closing Remarks:

I invite you to connect with me on professional platforms like LinkedIn to stay updated on my web development journey. To all aspiring web developers, I encourage you to seek similar opportunities for growth and learning. The world of web development is vast, and every project is an opportunity to learn, create, and make a meaningful impact.

