Imagine - Creative AI

Tejas Nikumbh
2 min readNov 8, 2016


I’ve always been intrigued by the creative implications of artificial intelligence, and wonder when something like this will take a shape and form that captures our imagination.

I remember the day when I was lost reading up a story online, imagining the scenes and enjoying the beauty of the narration in my head. That was the Eureka moment for me. Why not build an app, that helps you imagine the scenes in the story? Even add sounds may be, and make story reading an entirely immersive experience? With the tech stack that I’m familiar with and have a stronghold on, an iOS App was a natural choice. This is how Imagine was born.

Poster from a Story in the Imagine App

Armed with UI/UX Development guidelines and a rough idea of the interaction in mind, I began development. After 3 continuous weeks of development imagine was born. Here’s a demo video of Imagine in Action

The idea was to have paragraphs in stories come to life with what I call ‘scenes’ attached to them, which would also have sound effects attached to them later on.

But this was not all, I was very intrigued by the prospect of actually building out an AI that generates these scenes as opposed to manual population, so I thought of a few approaches that could do this. While searching about tech that could do this, Magic Pony comes to mind, the EF startup that sold to twitter for $150 Million (shoutout to awesome folks at EF)

A few naive ones, like the Bag of Words approach, came to mind as a simple work around. But these would be mapping approaches that use Classification Algorithms in Machine Learning, not generative ones, I thought. For now the AI is a very basic implementation, but I definitely intend to carry this forward and build up interesting implementations using new algorithms or existing ones using tools like Tensor Flow.

