HTML Forms

Tejas Dhodi
2 min readDec 21, 2022


HTML Forms is a section which is consist of a various input fields which can be Name, Password, Email, Radio Button, Check Box etc. HTML Form is used to take the input from user to collect their information such as Name, address, contact etc. In this article we are going to cover What is HTML Forms?, if you don’t have any idea about what is HTML Forms then this article is gonna help you a lot. You just have to pay the attention to the article and read the article carefully. at the end of this article you will get an short idea about what is HTML Forms…

What is HTML Forms

html form

HTML Forms is a section which is consist of a various input fields which can be Name, Password, Email, Radio Button, Check Box etc. HTML Form is used to take the input from user to collect their information such as Name, address, contact etc. in other words we can say that HTML Form is a container that contains the various input fields.

HTML Forms is required when we have to collect some data from the user or visitors. For example if a person wants to make their website by any professsional web developer, the the Person will visit the website of a professional web developer then the person must have to fill his/her details in the form to contact with the the developer.

Syntax To Declare HTML Forms

<form action=”Server url” metod=”get/post”>

// Input Fields


HTML Forms Tags

  1. <form>: It is used to define the HTML form to enter inputs from the visitor side.
  2. <input>: It is used to define the input control.
  3. <textarea>: It is used to define a multi-line input control.
  4. <label>: It defines a label read more…

