6 Strategic Ways to Build a Solid Crypto Portfolio

4 min readMar 30, 2024


6 Proven Strategies for Building a Well-Diversified Crypto Portfolio

With the crypto market booming and new investors flocking in daily, the need for a solid crypto portfolio can never be overemphasized.

But with thousands of cryptocurrencies to choose from, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to build a solid crypto portfolio that suits your investment goals and risk tolerance.

In this guide, we’ll outline six strategic ways to build a robust crypto portfolio that can weather market volatility and potentially generate attractive long-term returns. So whether just starting or revamping your holdings, these tips will help you develop a balanced approach.

1. Define Your Investment Goals & Risk Parameters

Before buying any coins, take a step back and define your motivations and risk parameters for crypto investing.

Are you investing for long-term growth over 5–10+ years? Or are you seeking to actively trade and compound in the short term? How much capital are you comfortable risking across your entire portfolio in any given period? What percentage allocation limits will you set per asset?

By defining these parameters upfront, you’ll be able to construct a portfolio strategy that aligns with your specific objectives without deviating into overly risky territory.

Those seeking maximum upside might load up on higher-risk altcoins, while investors prioritizing capital preservation may stick mainly to Bitcoin and Ethereum. So clearly state your objectives from the start.

2. Start With the Crypto “Blue Chips”

No matter your risk profile, every solid crypto portfolio should start with allocations to the industry’s “blue chip” assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. These top projects have the liquidity, adoption, and longevity to form any portfolio’s foundation.

Bitcoin is the original and most valuable cryptocurrency, acting as a store of value and digital gold. Ethereum is the leading blockchain platform for decentralized applications (dapps) and has enabled the growth of entire new ecosystems like decentralized finance (DeFi).

Collectively, BTC and ETH make up over 60% of the total crypto market cap. As such, they should form the core starting point of your portfolio before adding other altcoin exposures.

3. Diversify Across Different Asset Types

Crypto investing presents opportunities beyond just buying and holding individual coins. You can also gain exposure through a variety of other crypto asset types like; smart contract platforms, decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, layer-1 and layer-2 scaling solutions, stablecoins, Web3 infrastructure plays, and metaverse/NFT assets.

For example, your portfolio could include Solana (smart contracts), Uniswap (DeFi), Polygon (scaling), and Decentraland (metaverse) in addition to BTC and ETH. This diversification helps insulate you from any single project or crypto sector failing.

Diversifying your portfolio across different crypto assets reduces your overall risk significantly. That way, you’re not overly reliant on any one type of investment or project.

4. Dollar Cost Average

With their extreme volatility, trying to perfectly time entry and exit points in the crypto markets will be difficult for you. That’s why dollar cost averaging (DCA) is such a powerful strategy for building your portfolio over time.

Rather than putting a lump sum into the market all at once, you invest smaller amounts at regular intervals (e.g. weekly or monthly). This allows you to smooth out your average cost basis and avoid the risks of mistiming major market moves.

Stick with DCA through both bull and bear cycles, and you’ll gradually accumulate your target positions at reasonable cost basis levels without exposing your entire capital to major drawdowns.

5. Adopt a Barbell Strategy

For higher risk tolerance investors, you may want to consider a barbell portfolio strategy that pairs higher conviction, more aggressive bets with stability plays on the other end.

On one end of the barbell, you could hold 60–70% of your portfolio in BTC and ETH as core, higher-confidence positions. Then on the other side, you allocate 30–40% into higher risk/higher potential altcoin opportunities.

This allows you to capture upside from emerging altcoin projects, while still having a solid base of proven crypto assets like BTC and ETH anchoring your portfolio.

6. Rebalance Regularly

As market conditions shift, the weightings of different assets in your portfolio will inevitably get out of whack compared to your initial target allocations. That’s why it’s important to periodically rebalance your holdings to realign with your desired strategy.

For example, let’s say you initially weighted your portfolio as 50% BTC, 30% ETH, and 20% altcoins. If Bitcoin has a monster rally and grows to 80% of your portfolio, you’d want to skim some profits and rebalance back closer to your 50% target BTC weighting.

Rebalancing helps you stick to your investment plan, book some gains during major runs, and reallocate into positions that may have become underweight. As an investor, you should consider rebalancing your crypto portfolios at least quarterly, if not monthly. This helps control risk and buy low/sell high systematically.

Cryptocurrencies are volatile, high-risk investments, so always invest responsibly within your risk tolerance. With discipline and strategic portfolio management, you can potentially earn life-changing profits in the long run.

PS: If you want a great platform to set up and build your crypto portfolio, check out roqqu. Its intuitive structure provides a seamless trading experience for investors and newbie traders alike.

