Benefits of Google ads over bing ads

2 min readOct 18, 2023


When it comes to pay-per-click advertising (ppc), businesses often find themselves torn between Bing Ads and Google Ads. To make an informed decision, it’s crucial to consider factors like reach, cost, targeting capabilities, and conversion rates.

Comparing Google Ads and Bing Ads:

Both Google Ads and Bing Ads are pay-per-click advertising platforms designed to help businesses reach specific audiences, drive traffic, and increase revenue. However, they each have their unique features and benefits.

Google Ads:

Comprises the Search Network and Display Network.

The Search Network displays text ads on the search engine results page (SERP).

The Display Network shows display ads on various websites across the internet.

Both platforms show display URLs and descriptions, with Google not using bold formatting for display URLs.

Bing Ads:

Owned by Microsoft and covers Bing, Yahoo, and AOL.

Advertisements on Bing Ads appear on all three search engines.

Bing Ads often have higher click-through rates for shopping and financial services.

Bing allows advertisers to reach an older and more educated audience.

Reach: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads:

Google dominates the search engine market with over 90% market share. While Bing has a smaller reach, it’s essential not to underestimate it. Bing Ads reach around 63 million users who aren’t reached through Google AdWords. Bing accounts for 30% of all searches in the U.S., targeting an older and wealthier demographic.

Cost: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads:

Bing Ads tend to be more cost-effective than Google Ads due to lower competition for keywords. Bing Ads typically have lower costs per click (CPC). This lower cost can allow you to get more value from your ad budget.

Targeting Capabilities: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads:

Both platforms offer similar targeting options, such as demographics and device targeting. However, Bing Ads offer more comprehensive device targeting options and the ability to assign different ad campaigns to different time zones.

Conversion Rates: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads:

Bing Ads generally result in higher engagement on landing pages, but Google Ads have slightly higher conversion rates. The average conversion rate for Google Ads across all industries is 3.75%, while Bing Ads sit at about 2.94%.

In conclusion, the choice between Bing Ads and Google Ads depends on your specific goals, budget, and target audience. Rather than seeing them as competitors, many marketers find value in using both platforms simultaneously. Google Ads may have a more extensive reach, but Bing Ads can provide a cost-effective way to expand your reach and tap into unique demographics.

By integrating both Google Ads and Bing Ads into your marketing strategy, you can create a more comprehensive and effective pay-per-click advertising campaign.

