Scams Alert!

2 min readMay 31, 2023


What are Scams?

What are the things that you should be alerted enough to avoid Scams?

What are the real motives of the Scammers?

What are the financial benefits that are gained by scams?

The main motive of the scam is the financial goal. Let us have a deep peep at the varied types of fraud risks happening here and there in terms of scams.

As the main motive is to get financial gain, they will continuously insist you perform the payment. They will act as if they provide complete support by aiding you in difficult times. But instead, they were trying to get your details. They focus on obtaining account passwords, bank account details, and credit card details. Pretending to be a Tax officer for collecting payment, a scammer will call you is a usual scenario.

They will try to be from a government agency and ask for the due payment. They are supposed to inform that any failure to make the payment will result in imprisonment. Some other areas are the scams related to donation programs. Scammers will mislead you by asking you to download the application in a situation such as a parcel delivery scenario. This will help them to gain the above-mentioned personal data. But the software they are updating is just created by them only.

Scams can happen to anyone or everyone. This will anyway help you in providing alerts to others. So that they will be enough to beware of the events that are happening in a daily scenario. Different alerts were available depending on the experience of different personnel.

Fraudsters work on various scam methods, and they are developing the same day by day. So, the list is increasing continuously. For performing this type of fraudulent thing, they were focusing on both telecoms as well as banks. For more awareness of scam attacks, you can visit

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